Planetary Biocrisis
A Real Time Research Documentary on Mass Extinction: An Urgent Call for Action on Climate, Habitat and Biodiversity

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  1  Species Diversity vs the
        Mass Extinction of Life

  2  Deforestation and
        Habitat Destruction
  3  Climate Crisis, Global
        Heating, and Ocean Rise

  4  Population
  5  Nuclear Holocaust

  6   The Ozone Hole
  7   Sustainable Society
  8   Biofuels and Peak Oil
  9   Pollution
  10 Perspectives and            Technological Fixes

This article contains a detailed real-time overview of human impact on the biosphere, so that the reader can keep pace with this escalating crisis,
critical to the future of planet Earth and the viability of humanity as a species. Action is absolutely essential and completely urgent.

Any source research articles are copyright protected with the passwordto be used only for genuine research purposes.

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Symbiotic Existential Cosmology

Introduction: Life is a Cosmological Process and its Protection is our Primary Reason for Being

Comparison of the evolution of the universe from the big bang and the evolution of life shows that life on Earth has existed for a full third of the universes lifetime and can thus be considered a long-term stable feature of cosmic evolution. Astronomical events, including impacts and possibly also nearby supernovae, have always played a major role in causing mass extinctions, accompanied by ensuing volcanism possibly as a secondary consequence of the impacts themselves. However the advent of global human impact on the biosphere is threatening in the next century to cause a mass extinction more serious than the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs. This process is caused both by direct impacts such as deforestation and habitat destruction, by the effects of potentially irreversible climate crisis, the sheer effects of population explosion and by genetically modifying the very species upon which we depend, without conserving their naturally viable forms, so that our future becomes brittle and fragile, dependent on maintaining artificial growing environments and high-tech food distribution processes which would be disabled globally by the slightest of astronomical disturbances, leading directly towards human extinction. For a single species to cause a mass extinction of life's diversity, possibly lasting 10 million years in one or two centuries is thus terminal folly. This folly is compounded by the ever increasing ecomnomc and medical value biological resources have in the genetic epoch. There is thus a paramount need for us to rediscover our relationship with the natural universe and to take the responsibility to regenerate genetic and biological diversity to sustain our own future generations.

To have an appreciation for the significance of life in the universe, here are six of my real-time articles exploring the living universe from the cosmic origin to consciousness: 1 Quantum Cosmology 2 Biocosmology 3 Tree of Life: Tangled Roots and Sexy Shoots 4 Space, Time and Consciousness 5 Entheogens and the Conscious Mind 6 Resplendence

Humanity's survival is still within our grasp – just. But only if we take these radical steps

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1: Species Diversity vs the Mass Extinction of Life

Nature's Dangerous Decline Unprecedented Species Extinction Rates Accelerating
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity
with commentary from the BBC, Nature, Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post and CNN

Research Portfolio on the Future of Biodiversity

Humans v nature: our long and destructive journey to the age of extinction
'We need dramatic social and technological changes': is societal collapse inevitable?

The global biomass of biodiversity


Human intrusion into all available habitats causing wholesale natural habitat destruction means that the biomass of livestock is over 14 times that of all wild mammals and the biomass of humans is over 8.5 times that of all wild mammals. Bar-On et al. (2018) assemble the overall biomass composition of the biosphere, establishing a census of the ≈550 gigatons of carbon (Gt C) of biomass distributed among all of the kingdoms of life. We show that terrestrial biomass is about two orders of magnitude higher than marine biomass and estimate a total of ≈6 Gt C of marine biota, doubling the previous estimated quantity. The global marine biomass pyramid contains more consumers than producers. Finally, we highlight that the mass of humans is an order of magnitude higher than that of all wild mammals combined and report the historical impact of humanity on the global biomass of prominent taxa, including mammals, fish, and plants.


Fig 181b: The biomass of humans plus livestock as of 2018 is 22.5 times that of all wild mammals. Graphical representation of the global biomass distribution by taxa. (A) Absolute biomasses of different taxa are represented with the area of each cell being proportional to that taxa global biomass.  (B) Absolute biomass of different animal taxa. Related groups such as vertebrates are located next to each other.


The global biomass of wild mammals


A study by scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science (Greenspoon et al. (2023) concludes that wild land mammals alive today have a total mass of 22m tonnes. Humanity now weighs in at a total of around 390m tonnes. Domesticated species, such as sheep and cattle, in addition to other hangers-on such as urban rodents, add a further 630m tonnes. Thus as of 2023 wild land mammals represent only 22/(390+630)=0.02 or 2%. So the figure has risen to 46 times from 2018. The team led by Ron Milo has updated the biomass of world mammals. Biomass as a metric allows us to compare species with very different body sizes, and can serve as an indicator of wild mammal presence, trends, and impacts, on a global scale. Here, we compiled estimates of the total abundance (i.e., the number of individuals) of several hundred mammal species from the available data, and used these to build a model that infers the total biomass of terrestrial mammal species for which the global abundance is unknown. We present a total wet biomass of ≈20 million tonnes (Mt) for all terrestrial wild mammals (95% CI 13-38 Mt), i.e., ≈3 kg per person on earth.


Fig 181c: Left Top: The global mammalian biomass distribution is dominated by humans and domesticated mammals, including livestock and pets. Bottom: enlarged view of the biomass of wild terrestrial (Left, grouped by order) and marine mammals (Right, grouped by family, or few families). Top right: The relative number of species, individuals, and total biomass of each taxonomic order of wild land mammals. The relative biomass contribution of each order is also indicated by the animal silhouette sizes and corresponding percentages.  Lower right: The estimated total biomass is noted for each continent, together with the name of the top mass contributor and its relative biomass contribution to the said continent.

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  1. Biodiversity discoveries of 20241,329 tiny snails released on remote islandThe bird at the center of the worst single-species mortality event in modern history isn't recovering, scientists say –
  2. COP16: WWF LIVING PLANET REPORT A System in Peril – Global biodiversity report shows "catastrophic decline" in wildlife populationsCollapsing wildlife populations near 'points of no return', report warns – Alarm grows over 'disturbing' lack of progress to save nature at Cop16 – About 80% of countries fail to submit plans to preserve nature ahead of global summit – From forests to oceans, nature in a dire state – Countries launch nature coalition at UN COP16 talks, warn of human extinctionPoliticians not ambitious enough to save nature, say scientists – After Colombia's FARC peace agreement, scientists found more new species
  3. The Permian extinction wiped out 90% of life on Earth. A new theory may explain whyHow social media is putting our rarest wildlife at risk – Stark before and after photographs reveal sharp decline of Norway's seabirdsPath to prosperity for planet and people shrinking rapidlyPenguin chicks survive tearaway iceberg512-Year-Old Greenland Shark: Oldest Living Vertebrate – Half of world's mangrove forests are at risk due to human behaviour – Diclofenac used in cattle wiped out India's vultures, and led to 500,000 human deaths – Swedish hunters kill more than 150 brown bears in first days of annual cull – A rare orchid survives on a few tracts of prairie. Researchers want to learn its secrets– 'Losing Noah's Ark': Brazil's plan to turn the Pantanal into waterway threatens world's biggest wetland – Successful environmental projects benefit nature and people, study finds – Whales are doing well so it's time to scrap the body that once protected them, says former head –
  4. By Protecting the Planet, We're Protecting People, Too Conservation slowing biodiversity loss, scientists say – I discovered why seemingly healthy amphibians were being wiped out – Breakthrough Map Reveals Supply Chain of the World's Most Trafficked Mammal – The 'extinction vortex': the fight to save Australia's koalas Crop Trust seeks more funding to protect global seed diversity – Ants: Masters of Seed Storage
  5. 'A biodiversity catastrophe': how the world could look in 2050 – unless we act now – I discovered a way to identify the millions of species on Earth - Colombia vows to put nature at the heart of global environmental negotiationsMost migratory fish on the brink says global analysis – Birds of prey in Africa experiencing population collapse – Disproportionate declines of formerly abundant species underlie insect loss – A tiny fraction of all species forms most of natureAim for heterogenious biodiversity conservationNature rights Deal to save Andalucía wetlands a model forgreen transition – India's Nicobar isles will be 'death sentence' – Largest known deep-sea coral reef mapped – Kenya: giant pangolins being helped back from the brink Indonesian echidna seen for first time in 60 years – Lions making fewer zebra kills due to ecological 'chain reaction' – Biodiversity market doublespeak Mass death of Amazonian dolphins prompts fears for vulnerable species – Three listed Chinese firms used endangered animal parts as ingredients Redonda: Tiny Caribbean island's transformation to wildlife haven – Glut of invasive wild salmon creates stink in Norway and Finland – Tree-planting schemes threaten tropical biodiversity, ecologists say – Wetland: how a farmer turned his fields into a wildlife sanctuary
  6. 20% of known species on Earth found in Unesco world heritage sites covering only 1% pf planet – 'Mutilating the tree of life': Wildlife loss accelerating, scientists warnsource article Growing number of countries consider making ecocide a crime Ecuadorians vote to halt oil drilling in biodiverse Amazonian national park – Emperor penguins: thousands of chicks in Antarctica likely died due to record-low sea ice levels – Will moving endangered species save them from climate change? – Put 'pest' animal species on the pill – Five amazing ocean sites to make the first protected high seas areas –
  7. Extinction alert issued over critically endangered vaquita Ecological tipping points could occur much sooner than expected, study finds – MEPs of environment committee vote down the Nature Restoration Law, throwing its survival into doubt – EU passes nature restoration law in knife-edge vote – Threatened coastal species absent from Chinese protection listsHumans exploit about one-third of wild vertebrate speciesThe race to understand Colombia's exceptional biodiversity Linking patches of wilderness is saving Borneo's wildlife – This moss survived 165 million years — now it's under threat from climate change More than 5,000 new species discovered in Pacific deep-sea mining hotspot – The biodiversity crisis in numbers – 'You're looking to die': the Brazil river where illegal fishing threatens lives – Crows and magpies using anti-bird spikes to build nests Ocean census aims to discover 100,000 previously unknown marine species Ocean treaty: Historic agreement reached after decade of talks Ecosystem collapse 'inevitable' unless wildlife losses reversed – Breathless oceans: Warming waters could suffocate marine lifeGlobal loss of wildlife is 'significantly more alarming' than previously thought – London zoo team bidding to save doomed speciesEcuador seals record debt-for-nature swap with Galapagos bond – The plight of the Japanese giant salamander: '23m years of DNA might die out' – Huge chunk of plants, animals in U.S. at risk of extinction – Brave newt world: the species swimming against the tide of Italian marbleFive New Species of Treefrogs Discovered in Papua New Guinea – More than two-thirds of elephant habitat lost across Asia –
  8. COP15: Kunming-Montreal Global biodiversity framework decisionThe biodiversity crisis in numbers - a visual guide Up to 28% of species could be lost by end of century, study warnsFoundations of a Cop15 deal? – Cop15 negotiators close to agreeing nature dealObjection by DRC sours deal – DRC drops objections to seal deal on historic action on biodiversityWorld leaders must step up to put biodiversity deal on path to success – 'Extractivism' is destroying nature: to tackle it Cop15 must go beyond simple targets – Scientists say planet in midst of sixth mass extinction, Earth's wildlife running out of places to live – We are tearing holes in the fabric of life on Earth – Sea life bounced back fast after the 'mother of mass extinctions' –
  9. 2022a: International body likely to protect many shark and ray species – Relentless drought kills hundreds of Kenya's zebras, elephants, wildebeestsGive legal rights to animals, trees and rivers, say experts – Cop15: 'World leaders might have to invite themselves' to summit Animal populations experience average decline of almost 70% since 1970, report reveals Business groups block action that could help tackle biodiversity crisis Prevent tree extinctions or face global ecological catastrophe – The loneliest trees: can science save these threatened species from extinction?North American gray whale counts down 38% for the last two years – 'A powerful solution': activists push to make ecocide an international crime Australia announces plan to halt extinction crisis and save 110 species – Tree-climbing carnivores called fishers are back in Washington's forests Saving the dragon's blood: how an island refused to let a legendary tree die out Half of world's bird species in decline as destruction of avian life intensifies – Conservation: Explosion in frog numbers after mass pond digging Tuna catch rates soared after creation of no-fishing zone in Hawaii UN fails to reach agreement to protect marine life in international watersMore than 1.1m sea turtles illegally killed over past 30 years – The most damaging farm products: Organic, pasture-fed beef and lamb – Dugong functionally extinct in ChinaSaving frankincense trees in Yemen – 'Generally ignored' species face twice the extinction threat – Cystisomas: the crustacean with eyes for a headPelagothuria the sea cucumber that lives a jellyfish life A Caribbean island gets everyone involved in protecting beloved species – Falling sperm counts 'threaten human survival', expert warns – Billions of snow crabs have disappeared from the waters around Alaska – Rich countries must urgently help poor nations hit by climate crisis, says V20 – A clam presumed extinct for 40,000 years has been found alive Some harlequin frogs — presumed extinct — have been rediscovered
  10. 2022b: The 6th mass extinction hasn't begun yet, study claims, but Earth is barreling toward itSource article 'The Sacrifice Zone': Myanmar bears cost of green energy Vast group of southern fin whales filmed feeding in Antarctica, sparking hope of recovery – Dutch rewilding project Vaquita porpoise could survive ... but only if illegal fishing stops immediately fewer than 10 individuals left Shocking report shows how Australia's land and wildlife are being destroyedCOVID delays are frustrating the world's plans to save biodiversity Reshuffled Rivers Bolster the Amazon's Hyper-Biodiversity Humans need to value nature as well as profits to survive, UN report findsMega-review finds 50 ways to value nature Funding battles stymie ambitious plan to protect global biodiversity More than 100 nations take action to save oceans from human harm Sixth mass extinction of wildlife accelerating, scientists warn Expanding national parks not enough to protect nature, say scientists – Dancing through the water': rare sighting of blanket octopus in Great Barrier Reef 'A 99.5% decline': what caused Australia's bogong moth catastrophe?  Koala listed as endangered after Australian governments fail to halt its decline – Ghostly monkey and slug snake among 224 new species found in Mekong region – Wanted lost species: blind salamander, tap-dancing spider and 'fat' catfish 'Delightfully horrific': wētā motels proliferate as New Zealand falls in love with the giant insect – Analysis of biodiversity data suggests that mammal species are hidden in predictable places
  11. 2021: Latin American countries join reserves to create vast marine protected area Lowland gorilla born in DRC, boosting Virunga park population to seven – UK zoo helps lost Mexican fish live to see another Tequila sunrise – World's vast networks of underground fungi to be mapped for first timeNobel-winning stock market theory used to help save coral reefs'No easy fix': polar bear capital of the world turns to electric buggies to save the bears Climate crisis pushes albatross 'divorce' rates higherA seed for all seasons: can ancient methods future-proof food security in the Andes? Halt destruction of nature or risk 'dead planet', leading businesses warn Countries call for urgent action on biodiversity with 'Kunming Declaration'Net zero is not enough – we need to build a nature-positive future – Pygmy pipehorse discovered in New Zealand given Māori name Ivory poaching has led to evolution of tuskless elephants Jeff Bezos pledges $1bn to biodiversityVast area of Scottish Highlands to be rewilded China's sea power on Darwin's doorstepThe long goodbyeFaroes PM pledges dolphin hunt review amid outcry at carnage Tuna bounce back, but sharks in 'desperate' declineAnimals 'shapeshifting' in response to climate crisis, research finds Climate crisis causing male dragonflies to lose wing 'bling', study finds Up to half of world's wild tree species could be at risk of extinctionThe insect apocalypse: 'Our world will grind to a halt without them' – UN sets out Paris-style plan to cut extinction rate by factor of 10 We are running out of time to reach deal to save natural world, says UN talks chair – Extreme heat cooked mussels, clams and other shellfish alive on beaches in Western Canada – North Atlantic right whales critically endangered by climate crisis, new study finds Native mouse believed to be extinct for 150 years found off Western AustraliaRecord number of manatees die in Florida as food source dries up Australia races against time to avoid an 'in danger' barrier reef rating at UNESCO vote - World Heritage Committee agrees not to place Great Barrier Reef on 'in danger' list – The five: back-from-the-brink species once thought extinct Finding fangs: new film exposes illicit trade killing off Bolivia's iconic jaguar Governments achieve target of protecting 17% of land globally Unesco: Great Barrier Reef should be listed as 'in danger
  12. 2021b: Human destruction of nature is 'senseless and suicidal', warns UN chief Making Peace with Nature UNEP Inaction leaves world playing 'Russian roulette' with pandemics, say experts New coalition calls on governments to tackle root cause of emerging infections – the destruction of nature Top scientists warn of 'ghastly future of mass extinction' and climate disruption -- Source article pwd =Sobering new report says world is failing to grasp the extent of threats posed by biodiversity loss and the climate crisis 2021 More than 50 countries commit to protection of 30% of Earth's land and oceans 2021 Global food industry on course to drive rapid habitat loss: World faces huge wildlife losses by 2050 unless what and how food is produced changes 2020 NGOs demand action not promises as EU accused of 'failing to protect seas' -- Cacophony of human noise is hurting all marine life, scientists warn -- Seed-sized chameleon found in Madagascar may be world's tiniest reptile
  13. A 'Crossroads' for Humanity: Earth's Biodiversity Is Still Collapsing Australian scientist discovers 'chocolate frog' in New Guinea swamps Cranes: Flying giant returning to Ireland after 300 years -- Climate change shrinks marine life richness near equator: studyDamage from invasive species 'trebling every decade'
  14. Convention on Biological Diversity 2020: Nature editorial and article UN Must get its New Biodiversity Targets Right -- Brazil accused of holding up UN biodiversity talks -- International lawyers draft plan to criminalise ecosystem destruction -- How much space does nature need? 30 percent of the planet may not be enough Sci News 2020 Draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
  15. Biodiversity conservation during a global crisis: Consequences and the way forward -- Human-made materials now outweigh Earth's entire biomass – studies 1, 2 pwd =-- Wildlife trade imperils species, even in protected areas -- Secretive 'gold rush' for deep-sea mining dominated by handful of firms -- Global soils underpin life but future looks 'bleak', warns UN report
  16. Back from the dead: Race to save Romania's 65 million-year-old fish -- How Amazonians saved a 'Terminator' of the fish world
  17. Extinction crisis: Humans waging 'suicidal war' on nature - UN chief -- Fifth of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse -- Attenborough warns world leaders -- World leaders say it is time to act -- Can nature heal itself? What the pandemic has shown us -- Humans exploiting and destroying nature on unprecedented scale – report World fails to meet a single target to stop destruction of nature – UN report 40% of world's plant species at risk of extinction -- Wildlife in 'catastrophic decline' due to human destruction, scientists warn Up to 48 species saved from extinction by conservation efforts Chinese fishing armada plundered waters around Galápagos 'They just pull up everything!' Chinese fleet raises fears for Galápagos sea life 2020 Earth's 'lost species' only the tip of the iceberg Shark finning: why the ocean's most barbaric practice continues to boom 2020 Herbivores most at extinction risk 2020 New Guinea has greatest plant diversity of any island in the world, study reveals 2020 Why deforestation and extinctions make pandemics more likely 2020 Fears for endangered macaw as fire devastates Brazilian Pantanaal wetland 2020 Tiny elephant shrew species, missing for 50 years, rediscovered 2020
  18. 'Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19? 2020 Most trafficked endangered Pangolin may be the source of covid-19 epidemic 2020 Hope for pangolins as protection boosted in China 2020 China removes pangolin scales from traditional medicine list 2020 Illicit wildlife products 'slipping through the net' Source article pwd =
    Bushfire devastation leaves almost 50 Australian native species at risk -- Polar bears could be lost by 2100 -- Throng of new penguin colonies in Antarctica spotted from space Newly waterproofed Arctic seed vault hits 1m samples 2020 Growing baby corals to spawn in the wild 2020 Wilderness areas halve the risk of extinction for plants and animals 2019
    Source article pwd = Global economic growth will take big hit due to loss of nature 2020 Huge declines of insects revealed in several studies -- Fates of humans and insects intertwined, warn scientists 2020 Source article pwd =-- Climate change could kill all of Earth's coral reefs by 2100 2020 Oceans losing oxygen at unprecedented rate 2019 Tasmania's Dead Kelp Forest 2020 Race to exploit the world's seabed set to wreak havoc on marine life 2020 Ocean acidification can cause mass extinctions, fossils reveal 2019 Source article pwd = Antarctic marine park: protection bid fails for eighth time 2019 Ocean acification and warming killing marine species2020
  19. Biodiversity crisis is about to put humanity at risk, UN scientists to warn 2019 IUCN red list reveals wildlife destruction 2019
  20. Biodiversity heroes: The teenagers saving Madagascar's wildlife 2019 World's nations gather to tackle wildlife extinction crisis 2019
    New songbirds discovered on tiny islands 2020 Tortoise with species-saving sex drive 2020 Flightless bird 'spark of hope' amid environmental crisis 2020 Loved to death: Turks and Caicos' queen conch 2020
  21. Australia bushfires: The Devastation Escalates - Over 1 billion animals feared dead 2020 113 animal species 'need emergency help' -- Smallest Species Could Be Lost to Wildfires - Hundreds of thousands of fish dead from ash - 'Apocalypse' comes to Kangaroo Island - 80% of Blue Mountains and 50% of Gondwana rainforests burn
  22. David Attenborough warns: 'The collapse of our civilizations is on the horizon' 2018 Attenborough tells Davos: "The Garden of Eden is no more"
    Severn Cullis-Suzuki Child Activist: At Rio Summit 1992 <-> Return to Rio 2012 Nature's top 10 Sandra Diaz: Biodiversity guardian 2019
  23. Mass Extinction: 'The future of life on Earth lies in the balance' a Guardian picture essay 2019 Impending Species Extinction in Greenland 2019
    Supply of food under threat due to biodiversity loss across the globe: UN report 2019 Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earth's natural life 2019
    What Losing 1 Million Species Means for the Planet - and Humanity2019 More than half of tree species found only in Europe could become extinct 2019
    Almost certain extinction': 1200 species under severe threat across world 2019 'Ecological grief' grips scientists witnessing Great Barrier Reef's decline 2019
    Survival of natural world is in balance, says wildlife chief 2019 One-third of African tropical plant species could go extinct 2019
    Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature' 2019 Light pollution is key 'bringer of insect apocalypse' 2019
    Fears for polar bears over shrinking Arctic ice 2019 Far-north Russian village overrun by polar bears 2019 Where did all the cod go? Fishing crisis in the North Sea 2019
  24. Species Desecration: Plastic pollution kills half a million hermit crabs 2019 New Trump Endangered Species Act rules weaken wildlife protections 2019

    Rise of the Extinction Deniers 2019 Palm Oil and Orangutan Population Collapse 2019 Giant river animals on verge of extinction, report warns 2019 Poorly planned Belomonte Amazon dam project 'poses serious threat to life' 2019
    The world's second-largest emperor penguin colony has nearly disappeared 2019Three billion birds - 29% decline in US and Canada 2019 Ancient Joshua trees facing extinction2019 Sharks and rays to be given new international protections 2019
    Humans causing shrinking of nature as larger animals die off 2019 How Peru fell in love with a sea giant worth far more alive than dead 2019

    Humans just 0.01% of life but have destroyed 83% of wild mammals
    2018 Frightening number of plant extinctions found 2019
    Mass loss of wildlife caused by human consumption 2019 Creatures thought to be extinct found alive in Honduras' 'Lost City' 2018

    Mammals cannot evolve fast enough to escape current extinction crisis 2018 Source article pwd =
    Humanity is 'cutting down the tree of life' - warn Scientists 2018
      Next Previous
  25. Sustainable Future: The Half Earth Project 2018 Half-Earth Edward Wilson 2016 Strange purple sea creatures found in deep ocean trenches 2019
    Half the planet should be set aside for wildlife -- to save ourselves 2018 Science Editorial 2018
    Global deal for nature: To maintain a liveable planet, governments need to protect 30% of Earth's land and sea and sustainably manage another 20% 2019 Source article pwd =

    Hacking conservation: how a tech start-up aims to save biodiversity
  26. UK creates 'blue belt' of marine protected areas twice England's size 2019 Sharks and rays to be given new international protections 2019
  27. Canada becomes the first G20 country to ban shark fin trade 2019
    Let nature heal climate and biodiversity crises, say campaigners Restoration of forests and coasts can tackle 'existential crises' 2019
    Scientists call for a Paris-style agreement to save life on Earth 2018
  28. Doomsday Countdown: The 'great dying': rapid warming caused largest extinction event ever, report says 2018 Source article pwd =
  29. US rollback of protected areas risks emboldening others, scientists warn 2019 The uncertain future of protected lands and waters pwd =
  30. Decades of denial': major report finds New Zealand's environment is in serious trouble Nation known for its natural beauty is under pressure with extinctions, polluted rivers and blighted lakes 2019
  31. Climate change is killing tufted puffins, researchers say 2019
  32. World's largest bee spotted for the first time since 1981 2019 'Extinct' Galapagos tortoise found after 100 years 2019
  33. Bengal tigers could vanish from one of their final strongholds 2019 Narwhals beat the death sentence of low genetic diversity 2019   Next Previous
  34. World's coffee under threat, say experts 2019 Can the Congo save itself, and its mythical okapi, from destruction? 2019
  35. China urged to lead way in efforts to save life on Earth 2018
  36. Habitat loss threatens all our futures, world leaders warned 2018 Stop biodiversity loss or we could face our own extinction, warns UN 2018
  37. Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970 2018
  38. Terror being waged on wildlife 2018 George the snail, last of his kind, dies at age 14 2019
  39. Climate change could render many of Earth's ecosystems unrecognizable 2018 'Hyperalarming' study shows massive insect loss 2018
  40. Rhino horn: Alarm as China eases 25-year ban on rhino and tiger parts 2018 Action postponed after outcry 2018
  41. Antarctic's future in doubt after plan for world's biggest marine reserve is blocked Environmental groups say Russia, China and Norway played part in rejecting plan 201
  42. Discovery of vibrant deep-sea life prompts new worries over seabed mining 2018
  43. Three of four NZ fish 'staring extinction in the face' 2018 Blue bird from 'Rio' movie now extinct in the wild 2018
  44. World's largest king penguin colony has declined by 90% 2018 Brazil meeting votes to protect world's whale population 2018
  45. China's push to export traditional medicine may doom the magical pangolin 2018
  46. Scientists shocked by mysterious deaths of ancient Baobab trees 2018
  47. Ancient Baobab trees in Southern Africa are dying. Scientists blame climate change 2018
  48. Avoiding meat and dairy is 'single biggest way' to reduce your impact on Earth 2018
  49. Keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees C helps most species hold their ground 2018
  50. How to Save the High Seas 2018 pwd =
  51. How cruise ships bring agonising death to last Greek whales 2018
  52. Saving the albatross: 'The war is against plastic and they are casualties on the frontline 2018
  53. Top UN panel paints bleak picture of world's ecosystems 2018 A third of 'protected' nature zones are quietly being ruined 2018
  54. 'Vulture safe zones' aim to rescue a vital but unloved scavenger 2018 Walruses face 'death sentence' as Trump administration fails to list them as endangered 2018
  55. Loss of seagrasses 'accelerating' 2018 'Living fossil' giant salamander heading for extinction 2018

Left: Existing protected areas. Right: Needed protected areas.

  1. Catastrophic warning about the fate of humanity is given by 15,000 scientists – human destruction of the natural world will lead to misery and an irretrievably mutilated planet 2017
  2. Research article: Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines 2017 pwd = Beyond global species extinctions, Earth is experiencing a hugeepisode of population declines and extirpations, which will have negative cascading consequences on ecosystem functioning and services vital to sustaining civilization. We describe this as a "biological annihilation" to highlight the current magnitude of Earth's ongoing sixth major extinction event. PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1704949114
  3. Asiatic cheetahs on the brink of extinction with only 50 left alive 2017 Sumatran rhino 'hanging on by a thread' 2017
  4. Earth's sixth mass extinction event already under way, scientists warn 2017 Mass extinctions 'offer cautionary tale'
  5. Sixth mass extinction of wildlife also threatens global food supplies 2017
  6. A third of animals are vanishing as roads spread through forests 2017
  7. The North Atlantic right whale faces extinction 2017 Sumatran tigers fall 17 per cent and have just two strongholds 2017
  8. Two kiwi species no longer endangered in new Red List 2017
  9. Why Buddhist 'fangsheng' mercy release rituals can be more cruel than kind 2017
  10. Amazon study discovers 381 new species in two-year period 2017
  11. World's largest marine protected area declared in Antarctica 2017 Major fishing nations agree Arctic moratorium 2017Mexico creates huge national park to protect marine life 2017
  12. Australia to ax support for long-term ecology sites Australian government to roll back marine protections 2017
  13. Saving the 'god of ugly things': New Zealand battles to bring back its rodent-sized insects 2017
  14. Rare, elusive, endangered yellow-eyed penguin 'slipping towards extinction' 2017
  15. Majority of primate species may vanish in next 25 to 50 years 2017
  16. Vaquita
    The Business of Extinction CNN 2017

    Last-ditch attempt to save world's most endangered porpoise gets go-ahead 2017   Next Previous
    Vaquita rescuers 'heartbroken' by death of captured porpoise
  17. Sound of crickets 'could become a thing of the past' 201
  18. Chimpanzees among 33 breeds selected for special protection 2017
  19. Biodiversity betrayal as nations fail miserably on conservation 2016
  20. Researchers warn of dangers to mankind of declining biodiversity 2016
  21. Wildlife in decline: Earth's vertebrates fall 58% in past four decades 2016
  22. Hundreds more species than we thought might be endangered 2016
  23. Cheetahs heading towards extinction as population crashes 2016
  24. African forest elephants face extinction from poaching and low birth rate 2016
  25. The plan to ban fishing in more than half the world's oceans 2016
  26. World's largest marine reserve hailed as diplomatic breakthrough 2016
  27. Giraffes facing 'silent extinction' as population plunges 2016
  28. Hundreds of endangered wild snow leopards are killed each year 2016
  29. New data shows 'staggering' extent of great ape trade 2016
  30. Concern over falling kea numbers in New Zealand 2016
  31. The ravages of guns, nets and bulldozers IUCN Nature 2016 pwd =
  32. Coral bleaching spreads to Maldives, devastating spectacular reefs 2016
  33. Great Barrier Reef: Bleaching 'kills 35% of area's coral' 2016
  34. Many Amazon trees endangered 2015
  35. A fifth of all plants threatened as habitats shrink worldwide 2016
  36. Indonesian man arrested as 650 pangolins found dead in freezers 2016
  37. World's smallest porpoise 'at the edge of extinction' as illegal gillnets take toll 2016
  38. Why elephants are seeking refuge in Botswana 2016 Kenya sets fire to huge ivory stockpile 2016
  39. Illegal wildlife trade campaign enlists tourists 2016
  40. Just 7% of Australia's Great Barrier Reef escapes bleaching 2016
  41. Rhino poaching: Another year, another grim record 2016
  42. India's maverick 'frog man' 2016
  43. Australian mammals on brink of 'extinction calamity' 2015
  44. Snow leopards face 'new climate change threat' 2015
  45. Earth 'entering new extinction phase' 2015
  46. Snail's demise suggests sixth mass extinction is under way 2015
  47. Coral worldwide threatened by bleaching 2015
  48. Marine population halved since 1970 2015
  49. IUCN Red List shows many species are in decline 2015
  50. 40% of Europe's sharks and rays face extinction, says IUCN 2015
  51. 'Nearly half' of Mozambique's elephants killed in five years 2015
  52. Mozambique lion numbers 'grow as elephants poached' 2015
  53. Tiger-trade crackdown boosts lion-bone sales 2015
  54. India’s tiger population increases by almost a third 2015   Next Previous
  55. Humans are 'unique super-predator' 2015
  56. Seven tiny frog species found on seven mountains 2015
  57. Polar bears fail to adapt to lack of food in warmer Arctic 2015
  58. World not on course to meet 2020 biodiversity targets 2014
  59. Obama vastly expands Pacific reserve 2014
  60. It's time to shout stop on this war on the living world 2014
  61. World wildlife populations halved in 40 years 2014
  62. Biodiversity Survives Extinctions For Now 2014
  63. We are killing species at 1000 times the natural rate 2014
  64. Declaration signed on illegal wildlife trade 2014
  65. Lions 'facing extinction in West Africa' 2014
  66. 'Shocking' scale of pangolin smuggling revealed 2014
  67. Record poaching pushes rhinos towards extinction 2014
  68. World's only freshwater porpoise on brink of extinction Jul 13
  69. Protective measures are a 'death sentence' for rare dolphin say campaigners Nov 13
  70. Gleaming beetle one of 60 new species in Suriname Oct 13
  71. EU tightens ban on shark finning Jun 13
  72. Mammals in fragmented forests die out within 25 years Sep 13
  73. 'Historic' day for shark protection Mar 13
  74. S Africa fears 2013 rhino slaughter will break records Mar 13
  75. Wiping out top predators messes up the climateFeb 13
  76. EU ministers back fish dumping ban Feb 13
  77. CITES meeting to deal with species 'extinction crisis' Mar 13
  78. 25 primate species reported on brink of extinction Oct 12
  79. Half of Great Barrier Reef coral lost in last 27 years Oct 12 Caribbean has lost 80% of its coral reefs
  80. Disappointment as Antarctic protection bid fails Nov 12
  81. Madagascar palm trees at risk of extinction, study finds Oct 12
  82. Bolivia enacts law to protect Amazon pink dolphins Sep 12
  83. Protected tropical forests' biodiversity 'declining' Jul 12
  84. Red List counts 'on the brink' species Jun 12
  85. Australia to create world's largest marine reserve Jun 12
  86. Great ape habitat in Africa has dramatically declined Sep 12
  87. Amazon's extinction debt still to be paid Jul 12
  88. Rio Earth Summit Dossier Jun 12 Earth Summit is doomed to fail, say leading ecologists Feb 12
  89. Tiger dossier Feb 12
  90. World seabird numbers still falling Mar 12
  91. More than one in 10 marine species in tropical eastern Pacific face extinction Feb 12
  92. Up to 900 tropical bird species could 'go extinct' Mar 12
  93. Threats to the Great Barrier Reef 2012
  94. 'Humans killed off Australia's giant beasts' Mar 12
  95. Wildlife icons may be 'beyond help' Nov 11
  96. Small steps for tuna, sharks and swordfish Nov 11
  97. Tuna fished 'illegally' during Libya conflict Nov 11
  98. Suriname team find 46 new species in tropical forests Jan 12
  99. Western black rhino declared extinct Nov 11 Arrests in US rhino horn smuggling ring Feb 12
  100. Indonesian orangutan to the brink of extinction Nov 11
  101. Frog-killer disease was born in trade Nov 11
  102. Frankincense tree facing uncertain future Dec 11
  103. Australia plans huge marine reserve in Coral Sea Dec 11
  104. Guide reveals Amazon's biological bounty Dec 11
  105. Species count put at 8.7 million Aug 11
  106. Javan Rhino extinct in Vietnam, African Rhinos Poached for Vietnamese Medicines Oct 11
  107. Drug waste harms fish Aug 11
  108. Bangladesh dolphins get Sundarbans sanctuaries Oct 11
  109. World's oceans in 'shocking' decline Jun 11
  110. Acid oceans turn 'Finding Nemo' fish deaf May 11
  111. Tree-frog biodiversity warning for Amazon Jun 11
  112. Hidden assumption hypes species-loss predictions May 11
  113. EU fisheries reform would 'privatise oceans' May 11
  114. 1,800 monitor lizards seized by Thailand customs Apr 11
  115. Bubbling sea signals severe coral damage this century May 11   Next Previous
  116. Amur tigers in population crisis Feb 11
  117. Sting busts wildlife smuggling rings Dec 10
  118. Day of reckoning for Ecuador's biodiversity Jan 11
  119. Coral marches to the poles Jan 11
  120. Coral reefs heading for fishing and climate crisis Feb 11
  121. More species slide to extinction Oct 10
  122. Are there plenty more fish in the sea? This year's Salmon glut Oct 10
  123. New frog species found in hunt for old ones Nov 10
  124. Elephant ecological engineering 'benefits amphibians' Oct 10
  125. Clone zone: Bringing extinct animals back from the dead Oct 10
  126. Cane toads are evolving into super-invaders Oct 10
  127. Fishing nations criticised over deal on bluefin tuna Dec 10
  128. Agreement reached at UN biodiversity convention Oct 10
  129. Biodiversity - a kind of washing powder? Oct 10
  130. Honeybee disappearance mystery may be solved Oct 10
  131. Why the 'sixth extinction' will be unpredictable Sept 10
  132. Bid to introduce commercial whaling quotas fails Jun 10
  133. 'Green light' for global biodiversity science panel June 10
  134. One-fifth of world's plants at risk of extinction Sept 10
  135. Inbred bumblebees 'face extinction threat' Sept 10
  136. Cold empties Bolivian rivers of fish Aug 10
  137. Urgent call on EU to stop billion-euro 'alien invasion' Sept 10
  138. Polar bears face 'tipping point' due to climate change May 10
  139. Nature loss 'to damage economies' May 10
  140. World's 2010 nature species target 'will not be met' Apr 10
  141. Climate change link to lizard extinction May 10
  142. Overfishing began with the Victorians May 10
  143. Could domestication save the bluefin from extinction? May 10
  144. Zoo: Mining threat to 'living fossil' frog May 10
  145. Whaling plan draws anger from green groups (+more) Apr 10
  146. Whaling worsens carbon release, scientists warn Feb 10
  147. Galapagos sea lions head for warm Peru waters Feb 10
  148. Census offers glimpse of oceans' smallest lifeforms Apr 10
  149. Corruption raises doubts over ivory sales Mar 10
  150. Internet threatens rare species, conservationists warn Mar 10
  151. Folk medicine poses global threat to primate species 2010
  152. CITES Bluefin Battle Mar 10 How bureaucrats decided not to save the bluefin tuna Mar 10   Next Previous
  153. Proposal to ban polar bear trade shot down Mar 10
  154. How to Preserve the Breadth of Life on the Planet Apr 10
  155. Boom time for Arctic animals Mar 10
  156. How interfering humans helped Amazon diversity Apr 10
  157. Biodiversity nears 'point of no return' Jan10
  158. Biodiversity year: UN 'wake-up call' on nature loss Jan10
  159. Bee decline linked to falling biodiversity Jan10
  160. Arctic tern's epic journey mapped Jan10
  161. 'Global surge' in rhino poaching Dec09
  162. 'Bumper year' for botanical finds Dec09
  163. Species' extinction threat grows Nov 09 New fears for species extinctions Oct 09 E. O. Wilson: We must save the living environment Sep 09
  164. Tuna ban 'justified' by science Oct 09 Tuna in peril as catches reach triple the limit Nov 09 Tuna body shies from fishing ban Nov 09
  165. Tuna: EU Backs Bluefin Ban Sep 09 Bluefin off Menu June 09 Skipjack can stay on the menu Jul 09
  166. Kew Gardens' Seed Bank has reaches its target of 10% of world's wild plants Nov 09
  167. Crime rings boost ivory smuggling Nov 09 Siberian Tiger on the Brink Nov 09
  168. Costing the Earth: investing in protecting the planet Nov 09
  169. Permian Mass extinction blamed on fiery fountains of coal Nov 09
  170. New crocodile hopes in Cambodia Nov 09 Niger's giraffes stage a comeback Nov 09
  171. Acid oceans leave fish at more risk from predators Nov 09
  172. Inbreeding sabotages rare species' sperm March 2009
  173. Giant Chinese paddlefish 'verges on extinction' Sep 09
  174. Bird-eating frog among 163 new species found in Mekong region Sep 09   Next Previous
  175. Scale of gorilla poaching exposed Sep 09
  176. End the pillaging of the high seas Sep 09
  177. Mammal database identifies species destined for trouble Aug 09
  178. GM crops harming environment raises controversy Sep 09
  179. 'Extinction threat' to flying fox Aug 09
  180. Axolotl verges on wild extinction Aug 09
  181. Launch for amphibian 'life raft' Aug 09
  182. Vietnam eating its animals to extinction Aug 09
  183. The Sixth Extinction? New Yorker
  184. Many sharks 'facing extinction' Aug 09
  185. Mekong dolphins 'almost extinct' Jun 09
  186. Ladybird 'risk to 1,000 species' Jun 09
  187. Battling scientists reach consensus on health of global fish stocks Jul 09
  188. Extinction hits 'whole families' Aug 09
  189. Oil road turns tribes into meat traders Jun 09
  190. Shellfish reefs are 'most imperilled sea habitat' Jun 09
  191. Invest in islands to save most species Jun 09
  192. Consensus on EU fisheries change Jun 09
  193. Key coral reefs 'could disappear' May 2009 'Freezer plan' bid to save coral Nov 09
  194. Birds face biggest threat since Ice Age May 2009
  195. Acidic seas fuel extinction fears BBC 2009
  196. Medicinal plants on verge of extinction BBC 2009
  197. Emperor Penguins Face Extinction BBC Jan 2009
  198. Mountain gorillas in dire straits, DNA reveals BBC 2009
  199. A billion frogs on world's plates BBC 2009
  200. Bleak forecast on fishery stocks BBC Feb 2009
  201. Wildlife populations 'plummeting' BBC 2008
  202. Extinction 'by man not climate' BBC 2008
  203. Mammals facing extinction threat BBC 2008
  204. Primates 'face extinction crisis' BBC 2008
  205. Protection boost for rare gorilla BBC 2008
  206. Nature loss 'dwarfs bank crisis' BBC 2008
  207. World 'to fail' on nature target BBC 2008
  208. Sharks swim closer to extinction BBC 2008
  209. Lions 'close to extinction' BBC 2008
  210. Progress at UN biodiversity forum BBC 2008
  211. World 'must tackle space threat' BBC 2008
  212. 'Only 50 years left' for sea fish BBC 2006
  213. Corruption is devouring the world's fish stocks New Sci 2008   Next Previous
  214. 'Alarming' plight of coral reefs BBC 2008
  215. Refugee link to wildlife decline BBC 2008
  216. Seas too noisy for whales BBC 2008
  217. Noisy oceans 'threaten sea life' BBC 2008
  218. Map shows toll on world's oceans BBC 2008
  219. Mass extinctions: The Armageddon factor 2007
  220. Medical plants 'face extinction' 2008
  221. Terminator the Zombie 2007
  222. A disaster to take everyone's breath away BBC 2006
  223. Stopping the next extinction wave BBC 2006
  224. 'Critical danger' warning on fish BBC 2006
  225. Extinction alert for 800 species
  226. Life's diversity 'being depleted' BBC 2006
  227. New species found in Papua 'Eden' BBC 2006
  228. Hidden Garden of Eden wilts as Earth warms New Sci 2006
  229. Britains plants conservation behind target BBC 2006
  230. Uganda's 'sex tree' under threat Jul 27, 2007
  231. More species slide to extinction BBC 2006
  232. New Red List paints bleak picture of extinction New Sci 2006   Next Previous
  233. Himalayan forests are quietly vanishing New Sci 2006
  234. Warming set to 'devastate' coral BBC 2006
  235. Maize and Bananas in genetic crisis New Sci 2006
  236. Rainforests still at great risk BBC 2006
  237. Bullfrog linked to frog fungus threat BBC 2006
  238. Fishing major threat to turtles BBC 2006
  239. Albatross numbers take steep dive BBC 2006
  240. Giant Mekong catfish off the hook BBC 2006
  241. 'Hope for coral' as oceans warm BBC 2006
  242. Bush creates new marine sanctuary BBC 2006
  243. Bird extinction rates far worse than realised New Sci 2006
  244. Long-haul birds 'returning early' BBC 2006
  245. Doomsday vault to avert world famine New Sci 2006
  246. Extinction fear for black rhino BBC 2006
  247. UK butterfly species down to 56 BBC 2006
  248. World 'needs new wildlife body' BBC 2006
  249. Rare blue butterfly returns home BBC 2006

Deforestation has decimated Earth's original forest cover (above image), depletes the capacity of Earth's 'lungs' to remove CO2 and replace O2,
destroys key wilderness habitats and precipitates the loss of vast number of valuable and unique species often concentrated in the highest biodversity hot spots on Earth.

 Next Previous

"The precious Amazon is teetering on the edge of functional destruction and, with it, so are we"
Science Advances Editorial Thomas Lovejoy "Godfather of Biodiversity" and Carlos Nobre INPA 2019

Middle Earth: The Fight to Save the Amazon (video)

2: Deforestation and Habitat Destruction

  1. Dec 24: Protection deal for Amazon rainforest in peril as big business turns up heat –
  2. Sept-Oct 2024: Brazil fines meat packers $64 million for buying cattle from deforested Amazon land – Global carbon dioxide emissions from forest fires increase by 60 percent Trees and land absorbed almost no CO2 last year. Is nature's carbon sink failing? – Bolivia declares national emergency due to forest fires – Judge in Brazil orders slaughterhouses to pay for Amazon reforestation – The Earth is crying out for help': as fires decimate South America
  3. July 2024: Pantanal: Devastation as world's biggest wetland burns – Brazilian rancher ordered to pay $50m for damage to Amazon – Deforestation in Colombia falls to lowest level in 23 years – World's forests failed to curb 2023 climate emissions – Brazil sends 1,500 firefighters to combat Amazon forest blazes
  4. Apr-Jun 2024: Tropical forest loss eased in 2023 but threats remain – Global rainforest loss continues at rate of 10 football pitches a minute'We want to forge ahead': grief and defiance – Brazil's Amazon fires record 2024 start as green union blames firefighting budget cut – More than third of Amazon rainforest struggling to recover from drought – Fires in Pantanal wetlands surge 980% in drought – 'Nobody ever saw anything like this before': how methane emissions are pushing the Amazon towards environmental catastrophe
  5. 2024: Brazil, France launch $1.1 bn program to protect Amazon rainforestEU nature restoration laws face collapse as member states withdraw support – Amazon rainforest could reach 'tipping point' by 2050 – Cerrado: Beef trade risks key Brazil ecosystemThe 'Mother Tree' idea is everywhere — but how much of it is real? –
  6. Brazil's deforestation 'police' on strike — threatening climate goals Brazil expels illegal settlers from Indigenous lands in AmazonHow a surge in organized crime threatens the Amazon – Indigenous activist asks US agri-giant Cargil to stop destroying Amazon rainforest – The Amazon's record-setting drought
  7. Trouble in the Amazon: Climate change, deforestation and other human threats are driving the rainforest towards a tipping point of survival – Progress on slowing deforestation could boost climate efforts – Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon falls 66%Colombia deforestation plummets as peace efforts focus on rainforest Amazon deforestation drops 34% in first six months under LulaAmazon deforestation falls over 60%Brazil launches biggest ever operation against illegal cattle farms in Amazon – Brazilian president Lula pledges 'new Amazon dream' Brazil supreme court rules in favor of Indigenous land rightsMore than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand - Amazon's emissions 'doubled' under first half of Bolsonaro presidency – Amazon's road to ruin: highway threatens heart of the rainforest – Destruction of world's pristine rainforests soared in 2022 despite Cop26 pledge – Raoni warns of disaster if deforestation not stoppedI want Lula to see thisBrazilian Amazon at risk of being taken over by mafia'war' not over – Hawaiian communities restore Indigenous conservation, from mountains to seaBrazil's battle to reclaim Yanomami lands from illegal miners turns deadly – 'Don't fool yourself': billions more needed to protect tropical forests 'A war of attrition': Humans and extreme drought damaging Amazon rainforest much more 'Brazil was asleep': as the rains come, hope reawakens for the AmazonRecord deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest shows challenge – Hyundai urged to stop illegal miners using its machines in Amazon – Lessons from our tiny reforestation scheme in theAmazon
    facing Lula – Cattle, not coca, drive deforestation of the Amazon in Colombia – World risks descending into a climate 'doom loop' – Scientists prove clear link between deforestation and local drop in rainfall – the Brazilian force driving out mining gangs from Indigenous lands –
  8. Lula's Victory: Lula names staunch Amazon defenders as ministers in Brazil Amazon in 2023: Seven reasons to be cheerful and three to be terrified – 'Amazonia, you beauty!'We will fight for zero deforestation in the Amazon Global deforestation pledge will be missed without urgent action, say researchers – As the Amazon rainforest goes dry, a desperate wait for waterBrazil, Indonesia and DRC in talks to form 'Opec of rainforests' – Sale of oil and gas permits casts shadow over world's second-largest rainforest World's central banks financing destruction of the rainforestBrazil's top court set to rule in favor of Amazon Fund revivalRuling to reactivate Amazon Fund gives hope in fight to save rainforest – Fighting off the bulldozers in the sacred kwila forests of Papua New GuineaReforestation means more than just planting treesBrazil goldminers carve illegal 'Road to Chaos' out of Amazon reserve– Surfer creates island eco-haven with ancient knowhow – Witness to paradise being lost
  9. Large parts of Amazon may never recover, major study says – Invasions and illegal exploitation of indigenous lands in Brazil tripled under Bolsonaro – Prankster seizes Bolsonaro website and turns president into 'snake-tongued liar' Brazil Deforesters are plundering the AmazonAmazon forest guardians fulfil Bruno Pereira's mission – Amazon in April was the highest in at least five years, two weeks after Bolsonaro said his government would dedicate more energy and resources toward curbing deforestation. U.S. senators urge Biden to condition Brazil Amazon aid on resultsBrazil cuts environment budget despite climate summit pledge'Our biggest challenge? Lack of imagination': the scientists turning the desert greenDestruction of world's forests increased sharply in 2020 -- Forest the size of France regrown worldwide over 20 years, study finds – Tree loss due to fire is worst in far northern latitudes --
  10. Uganda's fragile forest ecosystem destroyed for sugar 2020 Planting new forests'can do more harm than good' 2020 Why deforestation and extinctions make pandemics more likely 2020 US wildfires: Oregon governor says the debate around climate change is "over" -- Trump to gut protections in Alaska's Tongass forest, the 'lungs of the country' 2020 Alaskan tribes, activists and businesses sue to save America's biggest national forest -- Scientists address myths over large-scale tree planting 2021
  11. Amazon 2020: Deforestation 'surges to 12-year high' -- The World's Largest Tropical Wetland Has Become an Inferno -- EU seeks Amazon protections pledge from Bolsonaro in push to ratify trade deal -- A continent ablaze: why fires are tearing across South America -- Brazil's Amazon rainforest suffers worst fires in a decade -- Amazon tragedy repeats itself as Brazil rainforest goes up in smoke --- Brazil's plan to protect Amazon has opposite effect -- Bolsonaro slams Biden for 'coward threats' over Amazon --Brazil fires top parks official in latest environmental reshuffle -- Brazil's Bolsonaro calls surging Amazon fires a 'lie' -- Illegal deforestation in Brazil soars amid climate of impunity -- Fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest surge in July -- New evidence links Brazil meat giant JBS to Amazon deforestation -- Outcry from environmentalists as Brazil fires official monitoring deforestation -- Amazon fires at 13-year high in June -- Amazon soya and beef exports 'linked to deforestation' -- 'Chaos, chaos, chaos': a journey through Bolsonaro's Amazon inferno -- Surge in deforestation as military deploys 2020 The gathering firestorm in southern Amazonia pwd =2020 Deforestation 85% up -- Genocide -- Parts of rainforest already 'emitting more CO2 than they absorb' -- Bolsanaro attacks Pope over Amazon
  12. Pantanal: Rescue Brazil's burning Pantanal wetlands Nature -- 'Apocalyptic' fires are ravaging the world's largest tropical wetland Nature As Brazil's wetlands burned, government did little to help -- Pantanal, world's largest wetland, burns from above and below-- Brazilian wetlands fires started by humans and worsened by drought --
  13. Tipping Point: Amazon near tipping point of switching from rainforest to savannah -- When will the Amazon hit a tipping point? 2020 Tropical forests losing their ability to absorb carbon, study finds -- source article pwd =2020 Once the Amazon rainforest passes the point of no return it could be gone in decades 2020 Amazon rainforest 'close to irreversible tipping point' 2019 Amazon deforestation 29.5% increase to 9,762 sq km highest since 2008 World losing area of forest the size of the UK each year 2019 'Death by a thousand cuts': Vast expanse of rainforest lost in 2018 2019 Amazon deforestation accelerating towards unrecoverable 'tipping point' 2019 We're at the peak of the global fire season 2019 Are forest fires as bad as they seem? - 10 years of data 2019
  14. Australia Bushfires: 'Catastrophic' bushfire burns half of Queensland's Fraser Island and threatens ecological disaster -- Climate change boosted Australia bushfire risk by at least 30% 2020 Will cause jump in atmosphere CO2 - Turnbull accuses Morrison of 'misleading' nation 2020 Nature Editorial wake up call CNN+Science News How climate change made Australia's wildfires more common 2020 The Devastation Escalates - Over 1 billion animals feared dead 2020 State of emergency declared for Canberra region 2020 Before and After - How climate change may make Australia's wildfires more common - The Political Fallout - 'Apocalypse' comes to Kangaroo Island - 80% of Blue Mountains and 50% of Gondwana rainforests burn - Cultural burning can help protect Australia - Too big to put out 2019
  15. Amazon Update: Nature's top 10 Ricardo Galvao: Science defender Dec Greta the Pirralha and Forest Guardian Murders Nov Blaze advances across Pantanal wetlands - NGO firefighters in Amazon arrested - Bolsanaro blames Di Caprio for fires Oct The latest in Brazil and Bolivia 2019 Bolsanaro UN The Amazon is Ours 2019 The Amazon burns. But another part of Brazil is being destroyed faster 2019 Amazon rainforest fires: Army mobilised, Brazil threatened over EU trade deal 2019 Seven South American countires sign Amazon Pact - US to 'Develop' Amazon with Brazil 2019 Austria rejects EU-Mercosur trade deal over Amazon fires 2019 Nature: Take Action to stop the Amazon burning 2019 Amazon deforestation is driven by criminal networks: Human Rights Watch Report 2019 Bolivia: Catastrophic wildfires devastate forest 2019
  16. Indonesia: Palm Oil - Borneo is Burning 2019 Indonesian forests are burning, and Malaysia and Singapore are choking on the fumes 2019 Skies turn red as crisis from fire-induced haze escalates 2019 At least 960,000 hectares burned 2019 Biggest food brands failing goals on palm oil 2020
  17. How Trump may bulldoze 'America's Amazon' 2019
  18. Stop abusing land, scientists warn :: IPCC Report 2019 We must transform food production to save the world, says leaked IPCC report 2019 Tree-damaging pests pose 'devastating' threat to 40% of US forests 2019
  19. China and India are making the planet greener, NASA says 2019 The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant 1 trillion trees 2019 Global climate targets will be missed as deforestation rises, study 2019 Arctic wildfires 2019
  20. US–China trade war imperils Amazon rainforest 2019
  21. Brazil, Bolsonaro and the Destruction of the Amazon: Amazon fires now up 83% on 2018 2019 Bolsonaro's Amazon-sized spat with Germany and Norway threatens Europe-South America trade deal Brazil space institute director sacked in Amazon deforestation row after June figures 80% up 2019 "Captain Chainsaw" blesses Brutal Assault of the Rainforest 2019 London climate change protesters daub Brazilian embassy blood red 2019 Bolsonaro declares 'the Amazon is ours' and calls deforestation data 'lies' 2019 Under Brazil's Far Right Leader, Amazon Protections Slashed and Forests Fall 2019 Bolsonaro poses gravest threat in decades, Amazon tribes say 2019 Brazil president says he wants the Amazon to be exploited 'in a reasonable way' 2019 The price of 'progress' in the Amazon 2019 Amazon destruction accelerates 60% 2019 Why Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro has environmentalists worried for the Amazon 2019 Rampant deforestation of Amazon driven by global greed for meat 2019 Brazil: Bolsonaro plans threaten Amazon, say experts 2018 Environmental fines are 'ideological' 2018 Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon surges to record high 2019 Brazil will not change Amazon fund without asking donors 2019
  22. 'Part of German soul' under threat as forests die 2019
  23. One football pitch of forest lost every second in 2017, data reveals 2018
  24. Amazon rainforest deforestation 'worst in 10 years', says Brazil 2018
  25. Death of the African Rainforest by Chocolate 2018             Next Previous
  26. Deforestation ticks up in Brazil's savannah 2018
  27. A new map reveals the causes of forest loss worldwide 2018
  28. Five countries hold 70% of world's last wildernesses, map reveals 2018

  1. Dams could 'permanently damage Amazon Research article pwd = 2017
  2. Amazon Gold Rush Continues to Decimate Peru's Rain Forest 2017
  3. Brazilian Amazon still plagued by illegal use of natural resources 2017
  4. Brazil opens vast Amazon reserve to mining Brazil court blocks Amazon mining decree 2017 Brazil revokes decree opening Amazon reserve to mining
  5. Brazil's president announces plan to protect forest – after plea from Gisele 2017
  6. Brazil minister: Amazon deforestation 'drops by 16%' 2017
  7. Deforestation soars in Colombia after Farc rebels' demobilization 2017
  8. Dry Amazon could see record fire season 2016 Deforestation spikes in Brazilian Amazon 2016
  9. World's wilderness reduced by a tenth since 1990s 2016
  10. Amazon fires 2000 sqkm Reserve Burned by Loggers 2015
  11. Big firms are still not acting on their deforestation promises 2015
  12. Tropical forest losses outpace UN estimates 2015
  13. Brazil agrees to cut Amazon deforestation and boost renewables 2015
  14. Myanmar jails 153 Chinese illegal loggers for life 2015
  15. Alarm over 'timber grab' from Cambodia's protected forests 2015
  16. Brazil sees "surprising" deforestation drop in Amazon 2014
  17. Brazil refuses to join pledge to end deforestation 2014
  18. Liberia signs 'transformational' deal to stem deforestation 2014
  19. Four Peruvian anti-logging activists murdered 2014
  20. Brazil's 'chainsaw queen' takes on environmentalists 2014
  21. Brazil Amazon tribe takes direct action against loggers 2014
  22. Brazil dismantles 'biggest destroyer' of Amazon rainforest 2014   Next Previous
  23. Amazon rainforest destruction in Brazil rises again 2014
  24. Brazil says Amazon deforestation rose 28% in a year Nov 13
  25. Why Burma's forests must be preserved Nov 13
  26. Deforestation in Congo basin slows, but for how long? Jul 13
  27. Brazil rainforest deforestation leads to seed shrinkage May 13
  28. Brazil supermarkets 'to avoid Amazon meat' Mar 13
  29. Nicaragua cloud forest 'under siege' by illegal loggers May 13
  30. International raid targets illegal timber trade Feb 13
  31. How the mafia is destroying the rainforests Oct 12
  32. Brazil to survey Amazon rainforest Jan 13
  33. Severe drought has lasting effects on Amazon Dec 12
  34. Amazon deforestation 'at record low' Nov 12
  35. Indonesian deforestation ban makes slow progress May 12
  36. Amazon fire analysis hits new heights Sep 12
  37. Saving Amazonia: Winning the war on deforestation Jan 12
  38. Brazil President Rousseff vetoes parts of forest law May 12 Brazil's Congress approves controversial forest law Apr 12 Brazilian Senate eases Amazon protection rules Dec 11
  39. 'No substitute' for virgin forest Sep 11
  40. A crusade to end slash-and-burn farming Oct 11
  41. Forest loggers join world's biggest ecology experiment Oct 11   Next Previous
  42. Huge Australian bushfires ignited rare plant growth Sep 11
  43. Misconceptions about forest-dwellers overturned Jun 11
  44. 'Sustainable' timber is not always what it seems Jun 11
  45. Congo rainforest summit stops short of commitments Jun 11
  46. Tropical forests 'better managed' Jun 11
  47. EU and Indonesia sign deal on illegal timber May 11
  48. Brazil: Amazon rainforest deforestation rises sharply May 11
  49. Forest loss slows as Asian nations plant Feb 11
  50. Malaysia leads way in study of deforestation Jan 11
  51. Brazil banks sued for Amazon deforestation Apr 11
  52. India and Brazil head move to 'green' economic future Oct 10
  53. Million-dollar Chinese beds fuel Madagascar timber crisis Oct 10
  54. Amazon deforestation on decrease says Brazil government Dec 10
  55. Indonesia declares logging halt May 10
  56. Forest loss slows, as China plants and Brazil preserves Mar 10   Next Previous
  57. Paying to keep the rainforests standing Dec09
  58. Amazon summit in Brazil aims to tackle deforestation Nov 09
  59. Treaty omission spells bad news for rainforests Nov 09
  60. Amazon is best site for forest carbon investments Dec09
  61. Amazon deforestation 'record low' Nov 09
  62. Argentina's forests dwindle Oct 09
  63. New photos highlight rainforest devastation Sep 09
  64. Paying to save the rainforests Aug 09
  65. Deforestation emissions on the rise Jul 09
  66. 'Boom and bust' of deforestation Jun 2009
  67. Great land giveaway could be disaster for Amazon Amazon bill controversy in Brazil Jun 09
  68. Brazil's other big forest in dire straits May 2009
  69. Rainforests may pump winds worldwide New Sci Apr 2009
  70. Parts of Amazon close to tipping point New Sci Mar 2009
  71. 'Crunch year' for world's forests BBC Mar 2009
  72. Officials fighting uphill battle trying to end Amazon logging Observer Feb 2009   Next Previous
  73. 70% deforestation cuts for Brazil BBC 2008
  74. Amazon destruction gathers pace BBC 2008
  75. Brazil government 'worst logger' BBC 2008
  76. Sierra Leone bans timber exports 2008
  77. Pressures build on Amazon jungle BBC 2008
  78. Amazon deforestation accelerates BBC 2008
  79. Brazil Amazon destruction slows BBC 2007
  80. Brazil sees record deforestation BBC 2008
  81. Brazil vows to stem Amazon loss BBC 2008
  82. Amazon future in graphics BBC 2008
  83. No clear trend in forest loss BBC 2008
  84. Pledge to protect Sumatran forest BBC 2008
  85. The Changing Face of Africa BBC 2008
  86. Amazon deforestation 2006-2050 New Sci 2006
  87. Map of Intact World Forest Landscapes 2006
  88. Nonrandom Processes Maintain Diversity in Tropical Forests Science 2006   Next Previous
  89. Charcoal reveals wildfire history BBC 2006

World regions having 0, 5, 50,100 and 200 days over 95oF left under the Paris accord and right without Paris (Climate Impact Lab).
Click maps to enlarge. Note that the right hand scenario could result in particularly severe changes to the climate of the Amazon basin.

By 2200, much of the world will have become as hot as the Eocene 50 million years ago, study says 2018 Source article pwd =

3: Climate Crisis, Global Heating, and Ocean Rise

Next Previous

Climate Change - The Facts - View here.      The Paris Agreement CCPI Climate Change Performance Index
'No doubt left' about scientific consensus on global warming, say experts Source papers 1 2 3 pwd =
How did we get here? The roots and impacts of the climate crisis

Arctic Ice decline 2020 (Video
) <> Policies and Pledges by Nation

  1. Dec 24 World endures 'decade of deadly heat' as 2024 caps hottest years on record – Climate change made 2024 the hottest year on record The heat was deadly – Albedo loss: Why the world has been warming faster than expected – Arctic tundra is now emitting more carbon than it absorbsDrylands now make up 40% of land on Earth, excluding Antarctica – Our Changing World: New Antarctic methane seepsFury as US argues against climate obligations at top UN court – Which countries have completed debt swaps for nature and climate? – Top UN court to rule on key climate questions – CO2 emissions from new North Sea drilling sites would match 30 years' worth from UK households Climate crisis exposed people to extra six weeks of dangerous heat in 2024 – Anxious scientists brace for Trump's climate denialism: 'We have a target on our backs' –
  2. Nov 24 COP29 Report: Cop29 agrees $1.3tn climate finance deal but campaigners brand it a'betrayal' – Big oil firms knew of dire effects of fossil fuels as early as 1950s – Australia accused of 'exporting climate destruction' on tiny Pacific neighbours with massive gas expansion plans – Climate crisis to blame for dozens of 'impossible' heatwaves'Minimal progress' made this year on curbing global heating, report finds – 'No sign' of promised fossil fuel transition as emissions hit new high – Shell wins appeal against court ruling ordering cut in carbon emissions – Top 10 country emitters discharged record amount of CO2 in 2023 – US and India lead G20 on climate action, report says – Trump likely to target climate measures that are making the most difference –
  3. Oct 24: 'We don't know where the tipping point is': climate expert on potential collapse of Atlantic circulation – Cop29 host Azerbaijan set for major fossil gas expansion, report says – Fossil fuels could become cheaper and more abundant, says IEA – Overwhelming majority of young Americans worry about climate crisis – 'Crunch time for real': UN says time for climate delays has run out – Global carbon dioxide emissions from forest fires increase by 60 percentTrees and land absorbed almost no CO2 last year. Is nature's carbon sink failing? – Do disruptive climate protests work? Real-time survey finally offers answers – Global water cycle off balance for 'first time in human history,' threatening half the planet's food production
  4. Sept: Scientists looked deep beneath the Doomsday Glacier. What they found spells potential disaster for the planet – Antarctic sea ice on cusp of record winter low for second year runningDrought leaves Amazon basin rivers at all-time lowRich countries silencing climate protestWhat does peak emissions mean for China — and the world? – A coal-fired plant found a key to America's clean energy challenge – the maelstrom under Greenland's glaciers could slow future sea level rise – Consumerism and the climate crisis threaten equitable future for humanity – Earth may have breached seven of nine planetary boundaries – Entire Earth vibrated for nine days after climate-triggered mega-tsunami – Pacific islands submit court proposal for recognition of ecocide as a crime
  5. August: Winter Antarctic temperatures rise 10C above average in near record heatwave – A critical system of Atlantic Ocean currents could collapse as early as the 2030s Australian fossil fuel exports ranked second only to Russia for climate damage with 'no plan' for reduction – UN chief issues climate SOS on trip to Pacific – AI analysed 1,500 policies to cut emissions. These ones worked. – 'Nobody ever saw anything like this before': how methane emissions are pushing the Amazon towards environmental catastrophe
  6. July: Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months – Copernicus: Sunday was world's hottest ever recorded day – How climate change is hitting Europe: three graphics reveal health impacts – At least 1,301 people died during Hajj due to heatstroke – Mission 2025 group urges governments to set more ambitious climate goals – Can the climate survive the insatiable energy demands of the AI arms race? Brazil's radical plan to tax global super-rich to tackle climate crisis – Renewables overtake fossil fuels to provide 30% of EU electricity – China building twice as much wind and solar power as rest of world – China's emissions of two potent greenhouse gases rise 78% in decade – Butter made from CO2 has 1/20 the footprint – Scientists call for greater study of glacier geoengineering options – 'What if there is no solution?' How we are all in denial – New Zealand will fail to meet 2050 net zero targets, after climate policies scrapped – New Zealand's sea temperatures hit record highs – World's forests failed to curb 2023 climate emissions Global methane emissions, responsible for half of the global heating rising at fastest rate in decades
  7. Jun: Cop29 at a crossroads in Azerbaijan with focus on climate finance – Sea level rise: Ocean water rushing under 'Doomsday Glacier' – 'Godfathers of climate chaos': UN chief urges global fossil-fuel advertising ban – Monkeys 'falling out of trees like apples' in Mexico amid brutal heatwave – ISDS: Investors awarded billions of dollars for losses related to climate laws – No need for countries to issue new oil, gas or coal licencesMarket value of carbon offsets drops 61% – World will miss target of tripling renewable electricity generation by 2030 – Economic damage from climate change 12% decline six times worse than thought – 'Termination shock': cut in ship pollution sparked global heating spurt – Global rich must pay more to tackle climate crisis, says architect of Paris deal – Rivers in Alaska are turning orange from metals in thawing permafrost
  8. Apr. World is on edge of climate abyss, UN warns – Hopeless and broken': why the world's top climate scientists are in despair – 'I am starting to panic about my child's future': climate scientists wary of starting families – 'Uncharted territory' fears after record hot March – World's record-breaking temperature streak extends through April – Climate activists seek breakthrough human rights court rulingHuman rights violated by inaction on climate, ECHR rules in landmark case – Just 57 companies linked to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions since 2016 – 'Simply mind-boggling': world record temperature jump in Antarctic raises fears of catastrophe Great Barrier Reef's worst bleaching leaves giant coral graveyardScientists' experiment is 'beacon of hope' for coral reefs on brink of global collapse – Cop29 summit to call for peace between warring states World's biggest economies pumping billions into fossil fuels in poor nations New York is suing the world's biggest meat company. It might be a tipping point for greenwashing – Methane emissions from gas flaring being hidden from satellite monitors – Plastic-production emissions could triple to one-fifth of Earth's carbon budget
  9. Mar: I'm a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you'd be terrified tooSurge of new US-led oil and gas activity threatens to wreck Paris climate goals – World's top fossil-fuel bosses deride efforts to move away from oil and gas – 'Explosive growth' in petrochemical production poses risks to human health – A coal billionaire is building the world's biggest clean energy plant and it's five times the size of Paris – Europe unprepared for rapidly growing climate risks – Fossil fuel firms must plug methane leaks to meet climate targets – Climate models can't explain 2023's huge heat anomaly — we could be in uncharted territory – Climate activists across Europe block access to North Sea oil infrastructure – The Māori climate activist breaking legal barriers to bring corporate giants to court
  10. 2024 February on course to break unprecedented number of heat recordsWorld's first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit – Very cool: trees stalling effects of global heating in eastern US – Greenland losing 30m tonnes of ice an hour Antarctica sea ice reaches alarming low for third year in a row – EU lays out plan to cut greenhouse emissions by 90% by 2040 – Fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954 – 3 Antarctic glaciers show rapidly accelerated ice lossRed alert in AntarcticaBurn all the coal on Earth! – Oil industry veteran to lead Cop29 – Doomsday predictions a dream for climate deniers – Cop28 deal will fail unless rich countries quit fossil fuelsDid sulphur dioxide warm the planet? – Speed bumps under Thwaites Glacier could help slow its flow – Carbon released by bottom trawling 'too big to ignore'1,200 big methane leaks from waste dumps trashing the planet
  11. 2023 end: Astounding' ocean temperatures in 2023 intensified extreme weather – 'Off the charts': 2023 hottest year ever 2023 'beginning of the end' for fossil fuel era World will look back at 2023 as year humanity exposed its inability to tackle climate crisis – Earth on verge of five catastrophic climate tipping pointsHow all of G20 is missing climate goalsCalls for tighter rules on biofuels imports to root out palm oil fraud – We need power to prescribe climate policy, IPCC scientists say – Global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels to hit record high in 2023 Uruguay: rapid shift to wind shows the world how it's done
  12. COP 28: Nations strike deal at COP28 to transition away from fossil fuels 2World stands on frontline of disaster at Cop28, says UN climate chief – Draft climate deal criticised as 'grossly insufficient' and 'incoherent' – UN climate talks go big on ending fossil fuels – Australia says 'end the use of fossil fuels' in energy production – Australia, US and UK say they won't sign agreement that would be 'death certificate' for small islands – China 'would like to see agreement to substitute renewables for fossil fuels' – Environmental campaigners filmed, threatened and harassed – Cop28 officials fail to clarify if protesters are safe to protest – 'End fossil fuels' protester storms stageFormer world leaders seek $25bn levy on oil states' revenues to pay for climate damage – Focus on food and agriculture – Big meat and dairy lobbyists turn out in record numbers – Gore: Agreement to phase out fossil fuels would be huge for humanity – Saudi Arabia's grand plan to 'hook' poor countries on oil – UAE planned to use climate talks to make oil dealsCarbon pricing would raise trillions says IMF – 'This may be our last chance' 'Magical' tech innovations a distraction from real solutionsCop28 president forced into defence Kerry launches international nuclear fusion planClashes over fossil fuel phase-out after OPEC pushback – COP28 forced into overtime over phase out – EU climate chief: China must help fund rescue of poorer nationsFossil fuel phase-out will 'not avert climate breakdown without protections for nature' –
  13. Cop28 president says his firm will keep investing in oil – Cop28 host UAE has world's biggest climate-busting oil plansNo squeeze room left for 1.5 – Madagascan heatwave 'virtually impossible' without human-caused global heating – Is it too late to keep global warming below 1.5°C? – World smashes through 2-degree warming limit – World facing 'hellish' 3C of climate heating – Warning of a collapse of the Atlantic circulation – Unavoidable future increase in West Antarctic ice-shelf melting – Earth's 'vital signs' worse than at any time in human history – 2023 on track to be the hottest year on record – Amazon deforestation has big impact on regional temperatures – Rapid melting in West Antarctica with potentially disastrous consequences – Banks pumped $150bn to 'carbon bomb' projects – Richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than poorest 66% – Revealed: the huge climate impact of the middle classesPeople not having children due to climate fears – China releases methane plan – 'Loss and damage' deal struck to help countries worst hit by climate crisisWorld doctors unite to call for urgent climate action – 'Insanity': petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels – Scientists' backing meat eating propaganda – Deal to resettle climate-hit Tuvalu residents shows world 'what's at stake'
  14. 'Gobsmackingly bananas': scientists stunned by planet's record September heatSouth American monsoon heading towards 'tipping point' likely to cause Amazon dieback – Antarctica has lost 7.5tn tonnes of ice since 1997 – Antarctic sea ice shrinks to lowest annual maximum level on record – 'Staggering' green growth gives hope for 1.5C, says global energy head – Climate crisis is 'not gender neutral': UN calls for more policy focus on women – The Bat Man takes a Stand
  15. Earth 'well outside safe operating space for humanity', scientists find – Earth's average 2023 temperature is now likely to reach 1.5 °C of warming – UN warns world will miss climate targets unless fossil fuels phased out – Antarctic sea-ice at 'mind- blowing' low alarms experts – Small island nations take high-emitting countries to court to protect the ocean – UK one of 32 countries facing European court action over climate stance – California sues oil companies claiming they downplayed the risk of fossil fuels – Politicians ignored David Attenborough's Cop 26 speech – UAE oil company executives working with Cop28 team, leak reveals – Top carbon offset projects may not cut planet-heating emissions – Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate – Tens of thousands in NYC march against fossil fuels – UK's net zero ambitions at risk over wind farms – Deadly humid heatwaves to spread rapidly as climate warms –
  16. 'Off-the-charts records': has humanity finally broken the climate? – Anger is most powerful emotion for spurring climate action – Antarctica warming much faster than models predicted in 'deeply concerning' sign for sea levels – Desperate race to create a protection zone around the rapidly melting Arctic – Climate crisis made spate of Canada wildfires twice as likely – China continues coal spree despite climate goals – G20 poured more than $1tn on fossil fuel subsidies despite Cop26 pledges – Dramatic climate action needed to curtail 'crazy' extreme weather – Carbon credit speculators could lose billions as offsets deemed 'worthless' – 'Vicious cycle' of heatwaves and air pollutionA visual guide to the Greek wildfiresSouth-east Australia marine heatwave forecast to be literally off the scale – Scientific journal retracts article that claimed no evidence of climate crisis Retracted article
  17. 'Era of global boiling has arrived,' UN chief – Nature: Earth's hottest month and what comes next – Hawaii: growing threat of 'devastating' fires as island landscape dries and warms – Canada fires: 30,000 households in BC told to evacuate Tenerife: Tens of thousands evacuated as wildfire burns – Iran shuts down for two days because of 'unprecedented heat' – Florida ocean records 100F – Florida Keys coral reefs are already bleaching – July was world's hottest month on record – Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet – Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C – Marine heatwave sets off alarm over Great Barrier Reef – Biden's carbon capture proposal is unworkable power sector warns – World's biggest permafrost crater thaws as planet warms – World Weather Attribution <> source article – G20 countries fail to reach agreement on cutting fossil fuels – Gulf stream could collapse as early as 2025 – Rampant heatwaves threaten food security of entire planetundeniably result of climate crisis – 'touchy' issues for UAE's presidency of UN climate summit – UN climate summit host UAE failed to report methane emissions to UN – How the climate crisis is turning the Arctic green – U.S. unveils plans for direct carbon capture – 'Gigantic' power of meat industry blocking green alternatives – Young activists prevail in climate change trial in Montana
  18. July 23: World's oceans changing colour due to climate breakdown, study suggestsClimate nears point of no return as land, sea temperatures break records, experts say – 'Uncharted territory': UN declares first week of July world's hottest ever recorded – Tuesday was world's hottest day on record – UN says climate change 'out of control' after likely hottest week on record – This week's record-breaking global temperatures are likely highest in 'at least 100,000 years' – Fears of hottest year on record as global temperatures spike – Phase down of fossil fuel inevitable and essential, says Cop28 president – Global greenhouse gas emissions at all-time high, study finds – US 'under no circumstances' will pay climate reparations, Kerry says – Antarctic ice levels undergo 'massive decrease', data shows – Recent events that indicate Earth's climate has entered uncharted territoryGreenhouse gas emissions from global energy industry still rising – AstraZeneca pledges to plant and maintain 200m trees globally by 2030 –Cop28 president's team accused of Wikipedia 'greenwashing' – Young Montana residents bring climate change case to court for first time ever – The Amazon might not have a'tipping point.' But it's still in trouble'A green transition that leaves no one behind': world leaders release open letter – US deal could plug Turkmenistan's colossal methane emissions
  19. Deep-ocean circulation around Antarctica could be collapsingIce sheets can collapse at 600 metres a day, far faster than feared – Volcanic microbe eats CO2 'astonishingly quickly'Chevron's carbon offsets are mostly junk and some may harm – Alarmed: Ocean temperatures are off the charts right now – Cop28 president: world needs business mindset to tackle climate crisisUnited Nations adopts landmark resolution on climate justice'Mind-boggling' methane emissions from Turkmenistan revealed – 'Headed off the charts': world's ocean surface temperature hits record highRewilding animals could be key for climateWhy elephants, otters and whales are nature's secret weapons against climate breakdownWhen will global warming actually hit the landmark 1.5oC? – World likely to breach 1.5C climate threshold by 2027Many Europeans want climate action – but less so if it changes their lifestyle – Life in the ocean's 'twilight zone' could disappear due to the climate crisisClimate crisis deniers target scientists for vicious abuse on Musk's Twitter – 'Like a dam breaking': experts hail decision to let US climate lawsuits advance
  20. IPCC: Scientists release 'survival guide' to avert climate disaster – 'Everyone should be concerned': Antarctic sea ice reaches lowest levels ever recorded – 'The beginning of the end?' – Rising seas threaten 'mass exodus on a biblical scale', UN chief warns – 1,000 super-emitting methane leaks risk triggering climate tipping points – The way we eat could add nearly 1 degree of warming by 2100Earth is on track to exceed 1.5C warming in the next decade and exceeding the 2C increase has a 50% chance of happening by mid-century – More than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest provider are worthless – Shell to spend $450m on carbon offsetting - Exxon made 'breathtakingly' accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s only to publicly dismiss global heating Banks still investing heavily in fossil fuels despite net zero pledges UAE names oil chief to lead COP28 talksWarning of unprecedented heatwaves as El Niño set to return in 2023 – 'No miracles needed': how wind, sun and water can power the world – An 'inland tsunami': 15 million people are at risk from catastrophic glacial lake outbursts – Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate obliteration
  21. COP27: Environmental review of 2022: another mile on the 'highway to climate hell' Climate catastrophes 'I am an optimist' US fails to give $11Bn promised for developing countries to ease climate impacts World still 'on brink of climate catastrophe' after Cop27 dealWorld is on 'highway to climate hell', UN chief warns at Cop27 summit – UN chief warns 'we will be doomed' without historic climate pactBiden says leaders 'can no longer plead ignorance' over climate crisis – Cop27 must pave the way for 'a Paris moment' for nature, says UN – Cop27 first week roundup: powerful dispatches, muted protest, little cashWhat happened at Cop27 on day nine? – Live: nations push for crucial climate deal as clock ticks downAustralian climate minister to target World Bank's response to crisis – Fears over oil producers' influence with UAE as next host of Cop climate talks – conservation groups alarmed over 'catastrophic coral losses – 'Climate carnage': UN demands funding surge to save millions of livesEU agrees to loss and damage fund to help poor countries amid climate disasters – Historic compensation fund approved at UN climate talks – COP27 climate talks: what succeeded, what failed and what's nextWhat is the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty?Treaty against fossil fuels floated at UN climate summit – A deal on loss and damage, but a blow to 1.5C – what will be Cop27's legacy? –
  22. Nov 2022 Impose climate tax on fossil fuel giants, media groups urge – Revealed: secret courts that allow energy firms to sue for billions accused of 'bias' as governments exit – Greenland's frozen hinterlands are bleeding worse than we thought – Super-rich's carbon investment emissions 'equivalent to whole of France'Enormous emissions gap between top 1% and poorest, study highlights – Big agriculture warns farming must change or risk 'destroying the planet'Food firms' plans for 1.5C climate target fall shortEurope's climate warming at twice rate of global averageKilimanjaro's and Africa's last glaciers to go by 2050, says UNWorld close to 'irreversible' climate breakdown, warn major studies – Climate crisis: UN finds 'no credible pathway to 1.5C in place' Atmospheric levels of all three greenhouse gases hit record high COP27: Prioritise climate or face catastrophe UN chief – We need to get China': John Kerry calls for return to bilateral climate talks – Climate crisis funds not reaching countries in need, senior UN official says – Carbon emissions from energy to peak in 2025 in 'historic turning point', says IEA – Cutting emissions will hit growth, but costs of inaction much higher, says IMF – New Zealand farmers may pay for greenhouse gas emissions under world-first plansNothing will change on climate until death toll rises in west, says Gabonese minister – Next pandemic may come from melting glaciers – Greta Thunberg on the climate delusion: 'We've been greenwashed out of our sensesGlobal health at mercy of fossil fuel addiction, warn scientists – Revealed: how climate breakdown is supercharging toll of extreme weather US Atlantic coast now a breeding ground for supercharged hurricanes – study 'Massive gaps' seen in countries' plans to tackle climate change study – New Mexico Tribe seeks to adapt as climate change alters ancestral home
  23. Oct 2022 Arctic Ocean acidifying up to four times as fast as other oceans – Hope amid climate chaos: 'We are in a race between Armageddon and awesome' – 'Time is up': Countries trapped in climate crisis raise alarm at UNThousands call for 'climate reparations and justice' in global protests – Huge gas flaring emissions never reported – Record methane leak flows from damaged Baltic Sea pipelines – Climate change: Spike in Amazon emissions linked to lax law enforcement – Vanuatu makes bold call for global treaty to phase out fossil fuels – World Bank criticised over climate crisis spending: Oxfam research suggests up to 40% of bank's reported climate- related spending cannot be accounted for
  24. Sep 2022 World on brink of five 'disastrous' climate tipping points, study finds – World heading into 'uncharted territory of destruction', says climate report – 'Doomsday glacier,' which could raise sea level by several feet, is holding on 'by its fingernails – Burning world's fossil fuel reserves could emit 3.5bn tons of greenhouse gas Governments urged to act after oil giants accused of misleading publicSwitching to renewable energy could save trillions – study Health groups call for global fossil fuel non-proliferation treatythe good news on the climate crisis – UN chief warns global leaders: The world is in 'great peril' UN chief says 'fossil fuel free-for-all' must end – UN chief calls for windfall tax on fossil fuel companies – Vulnerable countries demand global climate taxplague of pests as global heating raises soil temperatures – China reports 'most severe' heatwave and third driest summer on record Pakistan Rich nations owe reparations to countries facing climate disasterUK and US banks among biggest backers of Russian 'carbon bombs' – top US business lobby promised climate action, but worked to block efforts – First climate lawsuit against Russian governmentCarbon capture is not a solution – 27cm sea-level rise caused by melting of Greenland ice cap is 'now inevitable' – An Inconvenient Apocalypse – Oil giant's lobbying firm provided 'admin' to MPs investigating energy crisis – The century of climate migration: why we need to plan for the great upheaval – Vanuatu, one of the most climate-vulnerable countries, launches ambitious climate plan
  25. Aug 2022 Climate endgame: risk of human extinction 'dangerously underexplored – Fossil fuel firms 'have humanity by the throat', says UN head in blistering attack Fate of 'sleeping giant' East Antarctic ice sheet 'in our hands' – study Thousands evacuated as wildfires sweep across western EuropeEurope's rivers run dry as scientists warn drought could be worst in 500 yearsBurning planet: why are the world's heatwaves getting more intense?UN climate talks end in stalemate and 'hypocrisy' allegation Putin rubbing hands with glee' after EU votes to class gas and nuclear as green Energy treaty update fails to address climate crisis, activists say – Revealed: the 'carbon bombs' set to trigger catastrophic climate breakdown Trees are dying much faster in northern Australia — climate change is probably to blame
  26. IPCC Summary for Policymakers'Delay means death': We're running out of ways to adapt to the climate crisis IPCC report: 'now or never' if world is to stave off climate disaster IPCC's starkest message yet: extreme steps needed to avert climate disaster – A little-discussed revision of climate science could help avert doom Scientists Risk Arrest to Demand Climate Action Antarctic sea ice hits lowest minimum on record The amount of Greenland ice that melted last weekend could cover West Virginia in a foot of waterd Powerful 'rivers in the sky' could cause Antarctic Peninsula's biggest ice shelf to collapse – Warned of 'massive' climate-led extinction, a US energy firm funded crisis denial ads
  27. Mar 2022: Commitments could limit warming to below 2oCsource article pwd =Key UN finding widely misinterpreted Satellite data shows entire Conger ice shelf has collapsed in Antarctica Flourishing plants show warming Antarctica undergoing 'major change' Extreme heat in oceans 'passed point of no return' in 2014The heat stays on: Earth hits 6th warmest year on record – 2021 was New Zealand's hottest year on recordChina's coal production hit record levels in 2021West accused of 'climate hypocrisy' as emissions dwarf those of poor countries – Marine heatwaves reliably forecast by climate models
  28. Dec 2021: The climate disaster is here: Earth is already becoming unlivable – Arctic heat record is like Mediterranean, says UN'Drastic' rise in high Arctic lightning has scientists worriedFossil fuel firms among biggest spenders on Google ads that look like search results Thwaites: Scientists watch giant 'doomsday' glacier in Antarctica with concern
  29. COP26 The Full Rundown: 'COP26 hasn't solved the problem': scientists react to UN climate deal UK must 'walk the talk' on climate action, say official advisers Pacific delegates condemn 'monumental failure' that leaves islands in peril Did India betray vulnerable nations? Morrison rules out more ambitious 2030 target A watered-down deal as Delhi chokes After the failure of Cop26, there's only one last hope for our survival – Tipping point source articles 1 & 2 (pwd =) 'Watered-down hope': Experts wanted more China and India must explain themselves, says Sharma Cop26 ends in climate agreement despite India watering down coal resolution – Leaders welcome deal despite coal compromise – How Britain kept Cop26 aliveThird draftRatingsSecond draft – Climate summit approaches 'moment of truth UN chief: 1.5C global warming target on life supportCop26 targets too weak to stop disaster, say Paris agreement architects Climate summit stalls over who should pay for the crisis? 'We are not on course': scientists warn action must match words Greenpeace: How Australia's Climate Policies Isolate It from the Pacific and the World Australia has highest emissions per capita from coal Australia accused of 'hiding' while opposing deal needed to limit catastrophic climate breakdown China and the US announce plan to work together on cutting emissions Draft deal calls for stronger carbon cutting targets by end of 2022 Brazil businesses lean on government to shift climate stance China says it is taking 'real action' on climate targets Half world's fossil fuel assets could become worthless by 2036 in netzero transition 'World designed by men has destroyed many things,' Cop26 warned Vanuatu women protest from moutain top Global pollution price could cut greenhouse gases by 12%What has Cop26 achieved so far?Secretive court system poses threat to climate deal Carbon emissions see rapid rebound following COVID dip'The time for change is now': demonstrators around the world demand action Climate talks off to an ominous start Obama implores world leaders to 'step up now' Nature on climate pledges: What scientists think so far Do not compromise on 1.5C Ex-Maldives president US and EU announce global pledge to slash methane Legitimacy questioned as groups excluded from crucial talks Indonesia says zero-deforestation pledge it signed 'unfair' India PM pledges net zero by 2070 Greta Thunberg mobbed as activists gather in GlasgowThunberg tells protest that COP26 has been a 'failure' Barbados PM: 'We are digging our own graves' Few willing to change lifestyle to save the planet survey Counter climate summit kicks off as activists lament Cop26 inaction Rich countries 'pushing back' on paying for climate loss US rejoins High Ambition coalition to achieve 1.5C goal Biden urges action on climate change and vows US will 'lead by example' Bezos pledges $2bn for restoring nature Biden, Bolsonaro and Xi among leaders agreeing deal to end deforestation Attenborough: world is looking to leaders Leaders dial up doomsday warning to kick-start climate talks Optimism from climate talks: Warming projections down a bit World leaders promise to end deforestation by 2030 More than 40 countries agree to phase out coal-fired power Glasgow climate negotiators seek to resolve 4 key challenges Pledges may limit global heating to below 2C World on track for disastrous heating of more than 2.4C, says key study
    report Pledges could limit warming to 1.8C, says IEA energy agency boss Climate experts warn world leaders 1.5C is 'real science' –
  30. Climate crisis Oct 2021: NZ's list of top climate pollutersWorld faces disastrous 2.7C temperature rise on current climate plans Cop26: 'World conflict and chaos' could be the result of a summit failure – 'Existential challenge' G20 draft climate communique commits to1.5C goal Poorest countries to gain from new climate funding plan to break Cop26 impasse Carbon emissions 'will drop just 40% by 2050 with countries' current pledges' 'Eco-anxiety': fear of environmental doom weighs on young people Apple, Disney, Amazon & Microsoft among companies backing groups against US climate bill – David Attenborough in 'act now' warningHistorical climate emissions reveal responsibility of big polluting nationsBiden plan pledges 'largest effort to combat climate change in US history' – No formal Cop26 role for big oil amid doubts over firms' net zero plans Greta Thunberg accuses world leaders of being in denial over climate crisis UK, US and China use 'creative carbon accounting' to augment green credentials Activist calls on banks to stop funding climate 'destruction'Stop smoke and mirrors, rich nations told – Historical climate emissions reveal responsibility of big polluting nationsIndigenous protesters urge Biden to stop approving fossil fuel projects – COP26: Document leak reveals Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia lobbying to change key climate report Kowbucha, seaweed, vaccines: the race to reduce cows' methane emissionssource article pwd =Australia commits to 2050 net zero emissions plan but with no detail and no modelling Climate modellers and theorist of complex systems share physics NobelIt's now or never: Scientists warn time of reckoning has come for the planet – Grasslands can absorb carbon emissionsWorld is failing to make changes needed to avoid climate breakdown, report finds 7 most devastating climate disasters of summer 2021 – :
  31. Climate crisis Sep 2021: Biden pledges to double U.S. climate funding to developing nations – China promises no new coal-fired power projects abroad The planet is on a 'catastrophic' global warming path, Microsoft's million-tonne CO2-removal purchase — lessons for net zero UN report shows 56% of young people think humanity is doomedSurveyNature –Global climate strike: thousands join coordinated action across worldGreta's mission could end up saving the worldCutting methane should be a key Cop26 aim – Cop26 climate talks will not fulfil aims of Paris agreement – Poland $580,000 fine for each day operating a controversial coal mine – People in Advanced Economies Are Willing To Alter How They Live and WorkMost fossil-fuel reserves must remain untapped to hit 1.5 °C warming goalGovernments falling woefully short of Paris climate pledges world on track for 3C temperature increase if present trends continue Not a single G20 country is in line with the Paris Agreement on climate More than 230 journals warn 1.5°C of global warming could be 'catastrophic' for healthAustralia's Scott Morrison doesn't deny pressuring UK to drop climate asks from trade dealBiden gets real on climate changeLawsuit challenges Biden plan to sell oil and gas leases in Gulf of Mexico China warns US poor relations could undermine progress on climate change Climate science is supporting lawsuits that could help save the world Most plans for new coal plants scrapped since Paris agreement 20 meat and dairy firms emit more greenhouse gas than Germany, Britain or France This is a dystopian moment NY floods New Zealand records its warmest ever winter 1.3C above the long-term average
  32. Climate crisis Aug 2021: 'Code red': UN scientists warn of worsening global warming Leaked UN report: Greenhouse gas emissions must peak within 4 years – Scientists say methane could seal our fate on climate changeRain falls on peak of Greenland ice cap for first time on recordJuly was world's hottest month ever recordedLow-income countries 'can't keep up' with impactsGrim new climate report triggers calls on China to slash carbon emissions soonerHumans 'pushing Earth close to tipping point', say 74% in G20Greece faces 'disaster of unprecedented proportions' as wildfires ravage the country Wildfires in Algeria: dozens of civilians and soldiers reported dead – IPCC: Researchers begin discussions on vital report – A land divided by climate extremes: What the IPCC report says about New Zealand – Greta Thunberg: ethical fast fashion is 'pure greenwashing'
  33. COP26: What is the UN climate conference in Glasgow and why is it so important? Video shows salmon injured by unliveable water temperatures after heatwaveWildfires burn out of control in Greece and Turkey as thousands flee – The amount of Greenland ice that melted on Tuesday could cover Florida in 2 inches of water Gulf Stream: A crucial ocean circulation is showing signs of instability. Its shutdown would have serious impacts on our weather – source article pwd =
  34. Climate crisis July 2021: Politicians from across world call for 'global green deal' to tackle climate crisis – Climate crisis 'may put 8bn at risk of malaria and dengue' – Canadian inferno: northern heat exceeds worst-case climate modelsUndercover Exxon video reveals an anti-climate campaignFive Asian countries account for 80% of new coal power investmentEU unveils sweeping climate change planBiden's clean energy plan would cut emissions and save 317,000 livesNew Zealand lawyers sue climate change body over alleged failure to meet targetsNew Zealand experiences hottest June on record 2C higher than normal – Climate scientists shocked by scale of floods in GermanyUS pushes China to make faster carbon cuts –:
  35. Climate crisis June 2021: UN blasts world leaders for failing to seal £72bn-a-year deal on climate IPCC steps up warning on climate tipping points in leaked draft report G7 summit: Leaders pledge climate action but disappoint activists Carbon dioxide in the air at 419 ppm highest level since measurements began -- 40% chance Earth to be hotter than Paris goal soon -- 'Black Wednesday' for big oil as courtrooms and boardrooms turn on industry ExxonMobil and Chevron suffer shareholder rebellions over climate Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes pwd = Move to net zero 'inevitably means more mining' -- Changing Lengths of the Four Seasons by Global Warming pwd =
  36. May 2021: China emissions exceed all developed nations combined China emitted 27% of the world's greenhouse gases in 2019 China's construction boom is sending CO2 emissions through the roof - Richest nations agree to end support for coal production overseas G7 countries reaffirm commitment to limit global heating to 1.5C - Kids are taking governments to court over climate -- German climate change law violates rights, court rules Cutting methane emissions is quickest way to slow global heating – UN report: Responsible for 30% of global heating -- Glacial lakes threaten millions with flooding as planet heats up -- No new oil, gas or coal development if world is to reach net zero by 2050, says IEA Overshooting tipping point thresholds in a changing climate pwd =Arctic fires, thawing permafrost pose growing threat to climate - study Tea-growing areas to be badly hit if global heating intensifies --.
  37. April 2021: Carbon dioxide levels are higher than they've been at any point in the last 3.6 million yearsThe race to zero: can America reach net-zero emissions by 2050?Biden's $2tn infrastructure plan aims to 'finally address climate crisis as a nation'Biden pushes for momentum as US returns to climate fightWorld leaders pledge climate cooperation despite other riftsChina and US pledge climate change commitmentChina 'must shut 600 coal-fired plants' to hit climate targetWealthy nations 'failing to help developing world tackle climate crisis'Feeding cows seaweed could cut their methane emissions by 82%Environment protest being criminalised around world, say expertsGreta Thunberg docuseries amplifies her climate change fight :
  38. Global heating pushes tropical regions towards limits of human livability -- Recent European droughts and heatwaves 'worst in 2,000 years' -- Atlantic Ocean circulation at weakest in a millennium -- Pension funds worth nearly £900bn commit to net zero -- State-owned fossil fuel firms planning $1.9tn investments -- Cancel all planned coal projects globally says UN chief -- Study Top scientists warn of 'ghastly future of mass extinction' and climate disruption -- Source article pwd =2021 Bill Gates: 'Carbon neutrality in a decade is a fairytale. Why peddle fantasies?' 2021 Texas' frozen power grid is a preview of climate change disasters to come 2021 UN global climate poll: 'People's voice is clear – they want action' -- 2020 was hottest year on record by narrow margin, Nasa says 2020 was joint hottest year ever recorded 2021 World is at its hottest for at least 12,000 years – study Countries adapting too slowly to climate breakdown, UN warns 2021 New Zealand records seventh-hottest year, with extreme weather more likely 2021
  39. Sea-level rise from climate change could exceed the high-end projections Source article pwd =2020 'The New Climate War' exposes tactics of climate change 'inactivists' 2021 Renewable energy surpassed fossil fuels for European electricity in 2020 -- Kerry: UK climate summit is world's 'last best chance' -- Court convicts French state for failure to address climate crisis --
  40. Post Trump: "We're in a crisis": Biden introduces climate policy team -- Congress takes aim at climate change in massive relief bill -- Australia is the last Western holdout on the climate crisis. But some states and businesses are calling for change -- Temperature analysis shows UN goals 'within reach' -- World carbon dioxide emissions drop 7% in pandemic-hit 2020 -- World is in danger of missing Paris climate target, summit is warned -- US to hold world climate summit early next year and seek to rejoin Paris accord -- 42 large U.S. companies call on Biden, Congress to act on climate change -- EU member states agree 55% cut in carbon emissions by 2030 -- Greta Thunberg: 'We are speeding in the wrong direction' on climate crisis --
  41. NZ Govt declares climate change emergency -- Ardern disputes Greta Thunberg's criticism of New Zealand climate policy -- US allies welcome Biden presidency as major chance to tackle climate crisis -- US election result boosts preparations for UN climate summit -- Covid pandemic has little impact on rise in CO2 -- European states ordered to respond to youth activists' climate lawsuit -- The US election is a vote on climate change for the whole world -- U.S. formally exits global climate pact amid election uncertainty -- The US is officially out of the Paris Climate AgreementHere's what could happen next -- 'Buddha would be green': Dalai Lama calls for urgent climate action -- Global food production emissions 'would put Paris agreement out of reach' -- Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its corals since 1995 -- Japanese Prime Minister sets goal of zero emissions, carbon-neutral society by 2050 -- 'Sleeping giant' Arctic methane deposits starting to release -- Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest date on record -- Russia rules out cutting fossil fuel production in next few decades -- Australia swelters under extreme heatwave as fire brigades on high alert --
  42. Global warming may lead to practically irreversible Antarctic melting Source article pwd =-- When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez met Greta Thunberg: 'Hope is contagious' --
  43. How the global climate fight could be lost if Trump is re-elected Guardian 2020 The one chance we have The pandemic gave the world a golden opportunity to fix the climate crisis. We're about to waste it -- Climate activist Greta Thunberg shows support for Biden in rare political tweet.
  44. Fridays for Future <- Greta's UN Climate Summit Warning -> Extinction Rebellion - Perfect Timing
  45. Global warming may lead to practically irreversible Antarctic melting -- Melting Antarctic ice will raise sea level by 2.5 metres – even if Paris climate goals are met US Wildfires: California wildfire trend 'driven by climate' -- Oregon governor says the debate around climate change is "over" Trump spurns science on climate: 'Don't think science knows' -- Northern hemisphere breaks record for hottest ever summer -- Satellite images show rapid growth of glacial lakes worldwide -- Greenland Melting Fastest in Last 12,000 Years -- Warmth shatters section of Greenland ice shelf -- Greenland ice sheet lost a record 1m tonnes of ice per minute in 2019 -- Another two years lost to climate inaction, says Greta Thunberg 2020 Global heating: best and worst case scenarios less likely than thought 2020 Rising temperatures will cause more deaths than all infectious diseases – study 2020 Sea level rise could destroy 20% of the world's GDP by 2100 2020 Last decade was Earth's hottest on record, exposing grim reality of climate change 2020 Canada's last intact ice shelf collapses due to warming 2020
  46. U.S. climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe: people need hope 2020 Nitrous oxide emissions pose an increasing climate threat 2020
  47. World split on urgency of tackling rising temperatures -- EU parliament votes for 60% greenhouse gas emissions cut by 2030 -- China pledges to become carbon neutral before 2060 -- Net zero emissions target for Australia could launch $63bn investment boom -- Death Valley, US hits 54.4C Investors that manage US$47tn demand world's biggest polluters back plan for net-zero emissions
  48. Greta Thunberg: World must 'tear up' old contracts, build newsystems to save climate Pandemic shows climate has never been treated as crisis, say scientists -- Global temperatures likely to hit at least 1C warming for next five years: Close to 1.5 breach 2020 First active leak of sea-bed methane discovered in Antarctica -- US to join summit on global green recovery from Covid-19 crisis 2020 Algae turns Italian Alps pink, prompting concerns over melting 2020 Alarm at record-breaking heatwave in Siberia -- Climate change makes freak Siberian heat 600 times likelier 2020 Hottest Arctic temperature record probably set with 100-degree reading in Siberia 2020 Climate worst-case scenarios may not go far enough, cloud data shows 2020 Thunberg has hope for climate, despite leaders' inaction 2020 Future of the human climate niche 2020 pwd =By 2070 in the absence of migration, 1/3 of the world population is projected to experience a MAT>29 °C currently found in only 0.8% of the Earth's land surface, mostly in the Sahara.
  49. Post Covid: Blue-sky thinking: how cities can keep air clean after coronavirus -- Hottest May on record, as the world creeps closer to a dangerous threshold -- Boris Johnson under pressure to ensure green recovery in UK -- Carbon dioxide in air hits new record high -- Markets not paying attention to climate crisis, IMF says 2020 EU pledges coronavirus recovery plan will not harm climate goals -- Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow will be delayed by a year, UN confirms -- How the coronavirus pandemic slashed carbon emissions — in five graphs Nature Lockdowns trigger dramatic fall in global carbon emissions Guardian Climate change is turning parts of Antarctica green Guardian Young climate activists call for EU to radically reform farming sector Guardian In a First, Renewable Energy Is Poised to Eclipse Coal in U.S. The coronavirus has pushed the coalindustry to once-unthinkable lows, and the consequences for climate change are big. Renewable power surges as pandemic scrambles global energy outlook 2020 Pervasive Ice Sheet Loss Antarctica 2020 pwd =- More than 3bn could live in extreme heat by 2070 2020 India's carbon emissions fall for first time in four decades -- Why CO2 Isn't Falling More during a Global Lockdown? -- European lawmakers to consider tougher climate law
  50. COP26: Coronavirus forces postponement of COP26 meeting in Glasgow BBC 1-4-2020 Climate vs coronavirus: Why massive stimulus plans could represent missed opportunities Nature 3-3-2020 Ten EU countries urge bloc to pursue 'green' coronavirus recovery Reuters 10-4-2020 Vital Cop26 climate talks could be derailed by coronavirus 2020 Coronavirus could cause fall in global CO2 emissions 2020 Coronavirus Spurs Mass Cancellation of Climate Meetings 2020 Long-term sea-level rise and Paris Agreement emission pledges pwd =2020 Greta Thunberg brands EU's new climate law 'surrender' 2020 The rich are to blame, international study finds 2020
  51. Research: US megadrought 'already under way' 2020 Source article 2020 pwd =The projected timing of abrupt ecological disruption from climate change 2020 pwd =Great Barrier Reef's third mass bleaching in five years the most widespread yet 2020
  52. Global Heating Records: World's hottest January ever - Antarctica reaches 20.75C - 1.5-3m sea rise Jan 2020 Eastern Europe, including Helsinki and Moscow, warmest January on record Parts of Amazon already 'emitting more CO2 than they absorb' 2020 Multiple Overlapping Crises Could Trigger 'Global Systemic Collapse 2020 World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2020 Scientists find another threat to Greenland's glaciers lurking beneath the ice 2020 Ozone-depleting gases may have doubled extreme Arctic warming 2020
  53. Hope vs Despair: Climate lawsuits are breaking new legal ground to protect the planet 2020 Carbon emissions fall as electricity producers move away from coal 2020 Bezos pledges $10bn to save Earth's environment 2020 Nature 2019: Restoring natural forests is the best way to remove atmospheric carbon Nature2020: Adopt a carbon tax to protect tropical forests -- Two Futures: Positive and Negative Leading UK investor group tells companies to set out climate crisis plans 2020 The Future We Choose Christiana Figueres 2020 The world is failing to ensure children have a 'liveable planet' 2020 Twitter Bots Driving Climate Denial 2020
  54. Davos 2020 Day1 Apocalypse vs Sustainability = Trump vs Greta Day2 Prince Charles, Mnuchin vs Greta, Soros Keynote Day3 Lagarde vs Munchin, Greta: climate ignored Aftermath: Louise Linton sides with Greta Thunberg after husband Steve Mnuchin takes jab at climate crisis activist
  55. Antarctica melting: Greenland and Antarctica ice loss accelerating 2020 Climate change and the journey to the 'doomsday glacier' 2020 Doomsday Clock nears apocalypse over climate and nuclear fears 2020 Climate refugees can't be returned home, says landmark UN human rights ruling 2020 Russia announces plan to 'use the advantages' of climate change 2020 BlackRock joins Climate Action taking on biggest polluters 2020 Ocean temperatures accelerate to record high 2020 Decade of 'exceptional' heat hottest on record 2020 As the ice melts, Greenland considers its future 2020 Extinction Rebellion could sue police over extremist ideology listing 2020
  56. COP25: Anger, Final Compromise, Greta and Time 2019 Youth 'leadership' contrasts with government inaction, says UN chief - Children, Carbon Markets and Political Will 2019 Island nation in 'fight to death' 2019 Is your country's climate pledge consistent with keeping global heating under 1.5C? 2019 Pelosi at climate conference: 'We are still in' 2019 Put more carbon in soils to meet Paris climate pledges 2018
  57. Australia bushfires: Will cause jump in atmosphere CO2 - Turnbull accuses Morrison of 'misleading' nation 2020 Nature Editorial wake up call and Climate change analysis CNN+Science News How climate change made Australia's wildfires more common 2020 Too big to put out 2019 The Devastation Escalates 2020 The Political Fallout 2020
  58. Climate crisis: World not on track to meet goal amid continuous emissions 2019 Victoria Falls dries to a trickle 2019 Trump attacks Wind Power 2019 Urgenda: Not slashing emissions? See you in court! 2019 Nature's top 10 Greta CO2 emissions will hit a record high in 2019 Millions Around The World Strike on Black Friday for Action on Climate Change Climate emergency: world 'may have crossed tipping points' source article pwd = UN Bleak outlook as carbon emissions gap grows 'Our house is on fire': EU parliament declares climate emergency 11,000 scientists warn of 'untold suffering' source article pwd = Trump administration begins Paris climate pact exit 2019 Climate change deniers' new battle front attacked 2019 Do more now or risk catastrophe, warns IEA 2019 The climate chain reaction that threatens the heart of the Pacific 2019 Methane pulse detected from South Sudan wetlands 2019
  59. The Polluters: Guardian Investigation into Corporations and Fossil Fuels 2019 Fossil fuel big five 'spent €251m lobbying EU' since 2010 2019 Google contributes to Climate Deniers 2019 IMF Massive Carbon Tax Urgent 2019 SUVs second biggest cause of emissions rise after power 2019 Just 10% of fossil fuel subsidy cash 'could pay for green transition' 2019
  60. World Climate Strike: Global climate strike: millions protest worldwide 2019 Scientists worldwide join strikes for climate change 2019
    Greta Thunberg: Industries' 'greatest threat' sails to US and entreaties Congress to "listen to the scientists" 2019 Greta's UN Climate Summit Warning 2019 Greta on Satuday Night Live
  61. UN Climate Summit: Greta Thunberg 'Leaders failed us on climate change' 2019 Impacts 'accelerating' as leaders gather for UN talks 2019 Countries must triple climate emissions targets to limit global heating to 2C 2019 What the climate summit achieved 2019 Kids vs World in Landmark Climate Complaint 2019 Climate Protesters and World Leaders: Same Planet, Different Worlds 2019 Climate Summit Video 3h 2019 Monaco: IPCC to report on ocean emergency 2019 World's oceans are losing power to stall climate change 2019 IPCC Report summary 2019
  62. Existential Threat: Climate change could pose 'existential threat' by 2050: REPORT 2019
    Rising Seas Will displace 150 million people and More Cities by 2050 2019 source article pwd = Thousands could perish annually in US if global heating not curbed, study finds 2019
    Global Warming: How Hot, Exactly, Is it Going to Get? 2019 The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant 1 trillion trees 2019 Bioenergy plantations could fight climate change -- but threaten food crops, U.N. panel warns 2019 Are parts of India becoming too hot for humans? 2019 World 'gravely' unprepared for effects of climate crisis – GCA report 2019 Climate crisis is greatest ever threat to human rights, UN warns 2019 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months 2019
  63. Attribution Science: Climate change made 9 an heatwave up to 3°C hotter and up to 100 times more likely 2019 How climate's impact on land threatens civilisation -- and how to fix it :: IPCC Report 2019 Dangerous new hot zones are spreading around the world 2019
  64. Polar Melting Crisis 1: Images reveal Iceland's glacier melt 2019 Melting glaciers reveal five new islands in the Arctic 2019 Global impacts of thawing Arctic permafrost may be imminent 2019  Arctic heat wave and wildfires 2019 Nature commentary 2019 The end of the Arctic as we know it 2019 Greenland in Meltdown 2019Greenland's ice faces melting 'death sentence' 2019 Earth's future in being written in fast-melting Greenland 2019 Hot summers causing arctic sinkholes as permafrost thaws rapidly 2019 Adrift in th Arctic 2019 pwd = Scientists shocked by Arctic permafrost thawing 70 years sooner than predicted 2019 Photograph lays bare reality of melting Greenland sea ice 2019 Greenland's ice sheet poured 197bn tons of water into the North Atlantic in July 2019 Siberia Thawing 2019 Glacial rivers rapidly absorb carbon dioxide 2019 Antarctica losing six times more ice mass annually now than 40 years ago 2019 'Precipitous' fall in Antarctic sea ice since 2014 revealed 2019 source article pwd = Glacial melting in Antarctica may become irreversible 2019 source article pwd =Himalayas and Andes in Meltdown 2019                                                            Next Previous
  65. Corruption and Denial: Most of world's biggest firms 'unlikely' to meet Paris climate targets 2019 Attenborough attacks Australian PM on climate and coal 2019 Eight-country poll shows people view climate crisis as most important issue 2019 Can the rest of the world save itself from climate breakdown without the US?- Americans are waking up - Most US teens frightened of Climate Change 2019
    Trump strips California of power to set auto emission standards highlighting 85 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back
    2019 The silenced: whistleblowers muzzled by Trump 2019
    This is what climate change looks like in Australia 2019 'Ecological grief' grips scientists witnessing Great Barrier Reef's decline 2019 Faster pace of climate change is 'scary', former UK chief scientist 2019
    Trump rails against energy-efficient light bulbs 2019 Electrical industry's 'dirty secret' SF8 boosts warming 2019 Latest data shows steep rises in CO2 for 7th year 2019 Greenhouse gases reach record levels 407.4 ppm 2019 Carbon emissions from energy industry rise at fastest rate since 2011 2019 Hopes for climate progress falter with coal king across Asia 2019
    In some EU countries Greta's message is falling on deaf ears 2019 France records all-time highest temperature of 45.9C 2019 Is climate change causing Europe's intense heat? 2019 Heatwave made 'at least' five times more likely by warming 2019 German forests vs open cast coalmines 2019 Streaming online pornography produces as much CO2 as Belgium 2019 July hottest worldwide on record - Europe heat wave sets all time records
    Mont Blanc glacier in danger of collapse 2019
  66. Collateral Damage: A Quarter of Humanity Faces Looming Water Crises 2019 Climate crisis increasing jet stream turbulence 2019 source article pwd =Marine heatwaves killing coral instantly 2019 source article pwd =Rise of a deadly superfungus tied to global warming 2019 source article pwd =
  67. Politics of Denial vs Eco-conscience: Trump Administration Hardens Its Attack on ClimateScience 2019; European Election: Greens surge as voters abandon old parties over climate 2019 Proposal to spend 25% of EU budget on climate change 2019 US climate objections sink Arctic Council accord in Finland 2019 May commits to net zero UK carbon emissions by 2050 2019 Ireland to unveil bold plan to tackle climate emergency 2019 NY to Approve One of the World's Most Ambitious Climate Plans 2019 EU fails to set a firm deadline for its zero carbon emissions goal 2019 EPA rolls back plan limiting coal-fired power plant emissions 2019 America's renewable energy capacity is now greater than coal 2019 Red and Blue States divided over renewables 2019 Fossil fuels produce less than half of UK electricity for first time 2019 'Climate apartheid' between rich and poor looms, UN expert warns 2019 How US States make their Electricity 2019
  68. Generational Action: Worldwide School climate strikes: 1.4 million people took part 2019 Greta Thunberg backs climate general strike to force leaders to act: Says world faces 'existential crisis' and must achieve goals of Paris deal 2019 Swedish student leader wins EU pledge to spend billions on climate2019 How teenage girls defied skeptics to build a new global climate movement 2019 Fresh wave of youth climate action protests 2019 Meet the schoolgirl climate warriors 2019 David Attenborough 'Outrage is justified' - backs school climate strikers. 'We cannot be radical enough' 2019 Schoolchildren again go on strike across world over climate crisis 2019
  69. Climate lawsuits: Kids Lawsuits could put governments' role in climate change on trial 2019 Climate activists turn to lawsuits to force action on global warming 2019
  70. Extinction Rebellion stopping London for five days and Attenborough' "The Facts" put climate in spotlight 2019 Two-thirds of Britons agree planet is in a climate emergency 2019 Global Die-In, Glastonbury and Climate Fund 2019 Meet the Millionaires Helping to Pay for Climate Protests 2019
  71. BP headquarters in London blockaded by Greenpeace 2019    Next Previous
  72. It's time for nations to unite around an International Green New Deal 2019 The Future of US Climate Politics 2019
  73. Industrial and Political Diaspora: Climate change: Global impacts 'accelerating' - WMO 2019 Emissions growth in United States, Asia fueled record carbon levels in 2018 2019 Top oil firms spending millions lobbying to block climate change policies, says report 2019 Resource extraction responsible for half world's carbon emissions 2019 Trump disbanded it, but climate change panel regroups to release its report 2019 IPPR Environment in multiple crises: Politicians and policymakers have failed to grasp the gravity of the environmental crisis facing the Earth 2019 White House Panel Will Study Whether Climate Change Is a National Security Threat. It Includes a notorious Climate Denialist 2019 US 2018 CO2 emissions saw biggest spike in years 2019
  74. Arctic Melting Crisis 2: Greenland is melting even faster than experts thought, study finds 2019 Rain melting Greenland ice sheet 'even in winter' 2019 Melting permafrost in Arctic will have $70tn climate impact 2019 Five-fold increase in Antarctic Ice Loss from 1979-2017 pwd = Australian researchers find huge lakes beneath largest east Antarctic glacier 2019 Warning from 'Antarctica's last forests' 2019 Permafrost collapse is accelerating carbon release 2019 Rise in global sea levels could have 'profound consequences' 2019 Source Article pwd =
  75. Global warming of oceans equivalent to an atomic bomb per second 2019 Heatwaves sweeping oceans 'like wildfires', scientists reveal 2019
  76. Russian islands declare emergency after mass invasion of polar bears 2019
  77. A third of Himalayan ice cap doomed 2019 Himalayan glacier melting doubled since 2000, spy satellites show2019
  78. One man's fight to save a California tree 2019
  79. Cavity two-thirds the size of Manhattan discovered under Antarctic glacier 2019 Source article pwd =
  80. The little ice age of the middle ages was caused by the genocide of the Amerindians BBC 2009 Source article pwd =
  81. World heading for warmest decade 2019 Blue planet will get even bluer as Earth warms 2019
  82. Children's global strike over climate change crisis 2019 Antarctic krill: Key food source moves south 2019
  83. Warming oceans likely to raise sea levels 30cm by end of century 2019
  84. Greenland ice melt reaching 'tipping point,' study finds 2019 source article pwd =
  85. To fix climate change, fix the obesity and starvation epidemics - reports 2019 Australia swelters in record-breaking heatwave 2019
  86. U.S. Midwest Freezes, Australia Burns: This Is the Age of Weather Extremes 2019 Big rise in atmospheric CO2 expected in 2019   
                                                           Next Previous

  87. How to win public support for a global carbon tax 2019 Immediate fossil fuel phaseout could arrest climate change 2019
  88. Trump replacement for Obama climate plan 8% worse than doing nothing 2019 America's oil boom is terrible for the climate 2019
  89. Risks of 'domino effect' of tipping points greater than thought, study says 2018 Climate change: Huge costs of warming impacts in 2018
  90. COP24 Agreement Sealed but Inadequate according to experts: Failure at climate talks would have been 'suicidal' with 'hell to pay' 2018
  91. Tackle climate or face financial crash, say world's biggest investors 2018 We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN 2018
  92. Greta Thunberg: "You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes." 2018
  93. COP24 fails to "welcome" IPCC report after Trumps US joins Russia and Saudi Obstruction
  94. COP24 G20 Commits to Paris, while Trump renegs (again)
  95. David Atenborough warns: 'The collapse of our civilizations is on the horizon' 2018
  96. Climate change: 'World at crossroads' warning as key talks begin 2018 Poll: Majority of US voters worried about climate change 2018
  97. Climate change will have dire consequences for US, federal report concludes, contradicting Trump 2018 NOAA Report - Trump's response - "I don't believe it" - Analysis
  98. Global warming will happen faster than we think Nature 2018 Methane leaking from under Greenland's melitng ice sheet 2019
  99. Unparalleled warmth is changing the Arctic and affecting weather in US, Europe 2018
  100. Global industrial carbon emissions to reach all-time high in 2018
  101. 'A kind of dark realism': Why the climate change problem is starting to look too big to solve 2018
  102. CO2 levels pass 405 ppm 2018 Total CO2 emissions rising again for the first time in 4 years 2018 Steep rise by 2.7% 2018 'Trump effect' threatens Paris pact 2018 Vanuatu threatens to sue biggest carbon energy producers 2018
  103. The 'great dying': rapid warming caused largest extinction event ever, report says 2018 Source article pwd = New evidence suggests volcanic global warming caused biggest mass extinction ever 2019
  104. Melting of Greenland's ice is 'off the charts,' study shows 2018 The Beef with Beef 2018 Concrete: The massive CO2 emitter you may not know about 2018
  105. No G20 countries are meeting climate targets, says report 2018 World woefully short on 2oC Target - UN 2018
  106. Policies of China, Russia and Canada threaten 5C climate change - World Map - Source Article pwd =
  107. Planet at risk of heading towards "Hothouse Earth" state 2nd article 2018 Source Article pwd =
  108. First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth 2018
  109. IPCC says limiting global warming to 1.5 °C will require drastic action 2018    Next Previous
  110. The World Needs to Quit Coal. Why Is It So Hard? 2018 pwd =
  111. The world has seriously underestimated the amount of heat soaked up by our oceans over the past 25 years, researchers say 2018 Errors noted by team
  112. US Supreme Court allows historic kids' climate lawsuit to go forward Case aims to compel the government to slash greenhouse-gas emissions 2018
  113. Australia defies climate warning to back coal 2018 Coal Is Killing the Planet. Trump Loves It 2018
  114. Hurricane Michael leaves 'unimaginable destruction' 2018
  115. A bizarre bubbling lake symbolises the danger to Earth as the Arctic heats up 2018
  116. Our climate plans are in pieces as killer summer shreds records 2018
  117. NASA Video of the Earth's Race Towards a Scorching Future 2018
  118. Atmospheric carbon last year reached levels not seen in 800,000 years 2018
  119. Summer of extreme temperatures continues, to the beat of climate change 2018
  120. Here's how climate change is fueling Hurricane Florence 2018
  121. Climate Change Is Killing the Cedars of Lebanon 2018
  122. The sinking state: This is what happens when climate change forces an entire country to seek higher ground 2018
  123. Extreme global weather is 'the face of climate change' 2018
  124. Scientists may have solved a huge riddle in Earth's climate past. It doesn't bode well for the future 2018
  125. Embattled head of US environment agency resigns 2018 Rising levels of 'frustration' at UN climate stalemate 2018
  126. California governor signs law for clean energy by 2045 2018
  127. Gina Rinehart company revealed as $4.5m donor to climate sceptic thinktank 2018    Next Previous
  128. Climate change has turned Peru's glacial lake into a deadly flood timebomb 2018
  129. How the World is Coping 1 Year after Trump Abandoned Paris Climate Pact 2018
  130. US has caused serious damage to Paris climate efforts UN 2018
  131. Antarctic ice loss has tripled in a decade. If that continues, we are in serious trouble. 2018 Source Article pwd =
  132. Arctic has warmest winter on record: 'Never seen anything like this' 2018
  133. Gulf Stream current at its weakest in 1,600 years, studies show 2018
  134. Global warming is melting Antarctic ice from below 2018 Fiji: Climate change threatens our survival 2018
  135. Leading Climate Agency NOAA May Lose Its Climate Focus 2018
  136. Trump Wants to Bail Out Coal and Nuclear Power. Here's Why That Will Be Hard. 2018
  137. House lawmakers move to restore NASA climate science program Trump axed 2018
  138. Judge Orders EPA to Produce Science behind Pruitt's Warming Claims 2018
  139. California, battered by global warming's weather whiplash, is fighting to stop it 2018
  140. Dismal Western Snowpack Is a Climate "Warning Sign" 2018
  141. Hitting toughest climate target will save world $30tn in damages 2018
  142. Powerful Investors Push Big Companies to Plan for Climate Change 2018    Next Previous
  143. Huge private sector investment puts Paris climate target in reach 2018 U.S. Companies Are Driving a Renewables Boom 2018
  144. 'They're everywhere': has the decline of the seal hunt saved the polar bear? 2018
  145. The Top 7 Climate Findings of 2017 Trump says US 'could conceivably' rejoin Paris deal 2018

Time lapse of loss of glacial ice cover Himalayas 1921 - 2011 BBC (GlacierWorks, Royal Geographical Society and Fondazione Sella O.n.l.u.s.).


  1. Warmer Arctic is the 'new normal' – Arctic permafrost thawing faster than ever, US climate study finds -
  2. Full NOAA ReportCard 2017
  3. After the Ice Goes Researchers look into the Arctic's future for clues to save species and maybe even bring the ice back. 2017
  4. NCA4 US Govt. CLIMATE SCIENCE SPECIAL REPORTU.S. Government Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Trump and Top Officials 2017
  5. Research article: Greater future global warming inferred from Earth's recent energy budget. 2017 pwd = We find that the observationally informed warming projection for the end of the twenty-first century for the steepest radiative forcing scenario is about 15 per cent warmer relative to the raw model projections reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Our results suggest that achieving anygiven global temperature stabilization target will require steeper greenhouse gas emissions reductions than previously calculated. doi:10.1038/nature24672 Congressional watchdog agency to study social cost of carbon 2017.
  6. Small steps forward as UN climate talks end in Bonn 2017 Latest climate talks actually made progress despite US obstinacy
  7. Paris Agreement climate proposals need a boost to keep warming well below 2°C Rogelj et al. doi:10.1038/nature18307 2017
  8. Alternative US group honouring Paris climate accord demands 'seat at the table' 2017
    Merkel, Macron laud US efforts
    to challenge Trump on Paris climate deal 2017 With US backing, Ukraine pushes to privatize Paris Agreement 2017
  9. First CO2 emissions rise in four years puts pressure on Paris targets'
  10. Record surge in atmospheric CO2 to 403 ppm seen in 2016From Miami to Shanghai: 3C of warming will leave world cities below sea level 2017    Next Previous
  11. Nasa forecast: Which cities will flood as ice melts? 2017
  12. US STANDS ALONE, as Syria joins Paris climate agreement 2017 Paris accord: US and Syria alone as Nicaragua signs 2017
  13. Big role for U.S. at climate talks despite withdrawal from Paris deal 2017 Trump team looks for alternative approaches to Paris pact 2017
  14. Climate Crisis and Extreme US Weather:
    Thomas Fire Largest in CA History1 2 2017 Climate Change Fingerprints Are All over California Wildfires2017 What We Know about Wildfires and Climate Change 2017
    Gov. Brown says fires 'new normal'. "With climate change, some scientists are saying southern California is literally burning up." 2017
    Harvey marks the most extreme rain event in U.S. history with some areas receiving a once in 1000 yrs rainfall 2017 What We Know about the Climate Change-Hurricane Connection 2017
    McMaster says no redo on Paris climate deal decision despite hurricane damage 2017.
    CNN on Harvey: Now we have a moral duty to talk about climate change
  15. Research article: Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States 2017 pwd = By the late 21st century, the poorest third of counties are projected to experience damages between 2 and 20% of county income under business-as-usual emissions. Science 356 1362-9
  16. Changing climate could worsen foods' nutrition 2017 Research article: Increasing CO2 threatens human nutrition 2017 pwd =
  17. Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C may still be possible 2017
  18. Trump administration to roll back Obama clean power rule 2017
  19. More acidic oceans 'will affect all sea life' 2017
  20. Legal threat exposes gaps in climate-change planning 2017
  21. Sydney and Melbourne could face 50C days 'within decades' 2017
  22. Trump Pushback: California scientists push to create massive climate-research programme 2017 Can a crowd-sourced mega-forest offset Trump's climate chaos?2017
  23. Russian tanker sails through Arctic without icebreaker for first time 2017
  24. More Trump denial politics: US government disbands climate-science advisory committee - US energy agency asked scientists to scrub references to climate change
  25. Hopes of mild climate change dashed by new research Research article: Slow climate mode reconciles historical and model-based estimates of climate sensitivity pwd = Historical temperature measurements do not reveal the slow heating of the planet's oceans that takes place for decades or centuries after CO2 has been added to the atmosphere. The situation might be even worse, as Proistosescu's work shows climate sensitivity could be as high as 6C. Sci. Adv. 2017;3:e1602821.
  26. World May Have Less Time to Address Climate Change Than Scientists Thought 2017.
  27. As Climate Changes, Southern US States Will Suffer More 2017.
  28. Extreme weather 'could kill up to 100,000 a year' in Europe by 2100 2017
  29. Warming to boost deadly humidity levels across South Asia 2017    Next Previous
  30. Massive El Niño sent greenhouse- gas emissions soaring 2017.
  31. Third hottest June puts 2017 on track to make hat-trick of hottest years 2017.
  32. Major industrialized countries are failing to meet pledges: Prove Paris was more than paper promises
  33. 'Dodgy' official greenhouse gas data threatens Paris accord 2017.
  34. Australia faces potentially disastrous consequences of climate change, inquiry told 2017.
  35. A Flood of Climate Problems in Andes pwd = 2017.
  36. Satellite snafu masked true sea- level rise for decades 2017.
  37. Climate scientists flock to France's call 2017
  38. Asian cities set to benefit most from green growth as US retreats 2017
  39. Many More Republicans Now Believe in Climate Change 2017
  40. Governments sued over climate change, with banks and firms next 2017
  41. Trump commits the Worst Crime in History of an American President against the Planet's Future and makes a Complete ass of the United States in the Eyes of the World and most voting Americans: Full dossier, including responses from all over the world from Obama, and Gerry Brown in California, the Mayor of Pittsburgh through the CEOs of Google, General Electric, Exxon, Tesla to Angela Merkel, Macron, Putin and the premier of China. To every US citizen - get this man out - he is a threat to the entire planet. Your corrupt political system allowed this to happen and you need to fix this mess or your children and grandchildren will come to hate you for your lack of due dilligence for allowing this to come to pass.
  42. Macron speech to the US people - French govt video edit
  43. ABC Poll showing US 59% people opposed
  44. Earth's last major warm period 125,000 yrs ago was as hot as today: At peak of previousinterglacial interval, sea levels were 6 to 9 meters higher 2017
  45. Earth could break through a major climate threshold in the next 15 years, scientists warn 2017 'Vulnerable Voices' Lash Out as Companies Sway Climate Talks 2017
  46. Climate Change Is Turning Antarctica Green 2017 Trees in Eastern U.S. Head West as Climate Changes 2017
  47. Norway to boost protection of Arctic seed vault from climate change after thawing flood 2017
  48. 2016 Was the Hottest Year on Record 2017 Five Pacific islands disappear as sea levels rise 2017
  49. Arctic sea ice hits record wintertime low   Major Report Prompts Warnings That the Arctic Is Unravelling 2017
  50. Great Barrier Reef: Two-thirds damaged in 'unprecedented' bleaching Great Barrier Reef worth A$56bn, report finds 2017   Next Previous
  51. Jetstream: One of the most troubling ideas about climate change just found new evidence in its favor 2017
  52. New crack in one of Antarctica's biggest ice shelves could mean a major break is near 2017
  53. Republicans Offer to Tax Carbon Emissions 2017
  54. Global warning: live from the climate-change frontline as Trump becomes president 2017
  55. Paris climate deal: US and China announce ratification 2016 Trump nominee backs Paris climate agreement 2017 Trump on Climate
  56. US businesses push against Trump's attempts to dismiss climate change
  57. Marrakech: Climate change a Chinese hoax? Beijing gives Donald Trump a history lesson Pope urges world leaders not to hobble climate change pact
  58. CO2 levels past 400 mark 'new era' in the world's changing climate 2016
  59. Iceberg twice size of Luxembourg breaks off Antarctic ice shelf 2017 Antarctica Ice Shelf is Breaking from the Inside Out 2016 Huge Antarctic iceberg poised to break away 2016
  60. Ice loss spreads up Antarctic glaciers 2016 Sea Levels Will Rise Faster Than Ever 2016
  61. Arctic heatwave could break records 2016 Arctic sea ice shrinks to second lowest level ever recorded
  62. Climate change specialist predicts human extinction in 10 years 2016
  63. Greenland once lost nearly all its ice - and could again 2016
  64. 'Monumental' deal to cut HFCs, fastest growing greenhouse gases 2016 Methane surge needs 'urgent attention' 2016
  65. 'Gateway to the Underworld' - melting permafrost a huge problem for the planet 2016
  66. Climate change: Fresh doubt over global warming 'pause' 2016
  67. Five Pacific islands vanish from sight as sea levels rise 2016
  68. Ghana's coastal erosion: The village buried in sand 2016
  69. Global carbon growth stalls as US coal continues to slump 2016
  70. Unexpected Antarctic ice melt may trigger 2 metre sea level rise 2016
  71. April breaks global temperature records for seventh month in a row 2016
  72. World's carbon dioxide concentration teetering on the point of no return 2016
  73. Thanks to climate change, the Arctic is turning green 2016
  74. Feeling the heat: February warmest month in recorded history 2016
  75. Half a degree extra warming would lead to catastrophic impacts 2016
  76. Middle East hit by rise in sand and dust storms 2016
  77. Fossil Fuels May Not Dwindle Anytime Soon 2016
  78. Cattle drugs could fuel climate change, study suggests 2016
  79. Australia scrubbed from UN climate change report after government intervention 2016
  80. US and India set to join UN climate deal and agree on renewables 2016
  81. 175 States sign Paris deal 2016 Climate scientists focus on 1.5 degrees after Paris deal 2016
  82. Surge in renewable energy stalls world greenhouse gas emissions 2016
  83. Earth's Carbon Emissions an Order of Magnitude Higher than the last 50m Year Extinction 2016
  84. Hansen 2: Impact of global warming will be quicker and more catastrophic than envisioned 2016
  85. Record-breaking temperatures 'have robbed the Arctic of its winter' 2016
  86. Dangerous global warming will happen sooner than thought 2016
  87. Highest ever annual rise in carbon dioxide levels recorded 2016
  88. Antarctic history suggests ice sheet danger threshold 2016
  89. Pew research on world attitudes to climate 2016
  90. Scientists find where the Earth is most sensitive to climate swings 2016
  91. Collapsing Greenland glacier could raise sea levels by half a metre, say scientists 2015
  92. Paris climate deal is agreed – but is it really good enough? 2015
  93. Supreme shock: Has US court holed Paris climate deal? 2016 Why Obama’s Supreme Court nomination is good for the climate
  94. Is there an economic case for tackling climate change? 2015
  95. A Turning Point in Combating Climate Change May Be Here 2015
  96. El Niño Strengthening, Will Be among Biggest on Record 2015
  97. Melting ice in west Antarctica could raise seas by 3m 2015
  98. Collapsing Greenland glacier could raise sea levels by half a metre 2015
  99. Sea level rise will swallow Miami, New Orleans 2015
  100. Indigenous people could be key to storing carbon in tropical forests, new report concludes 2015
  101. Carbon choices determine US cities committed to futures below sea level 2015 pwd =

  102. Persian Gulf could soon be too hot for humans 2015    Next Previous
  103. Green Climate Fund faces slew of criticism 2015
  104. Carbon emissions make Earth greener but are also drying it out 2015
  105. What Exxon knew about the Earth's melting Arctic 2015 Inquiry 2015
  106. Permafrost warming in parts of Alaska 'is accelerating' 2015
  107. White House puts 'super pollutant' HFCs in crosshairs with new initiative 2015
  108. Emissions 'far above' 2C target 2015
  109. Latest numbers show at least 5 metres sea-level rise locked in 2015
  110. Hansen 1: Leading climate scientist: Future is bleaker than we thought 2015
  111. Climate change and the fate of Antarctica 2015
  112. Global heat record broken 2015 July was Earth's hottest month on record 2015
  113. 2UN Climate Talks: Hints of compromise on key issue , World will pass crucial 2oC global warming limit,
    Climate pledges by 140 countries will limit global warming - but not enough
  114. Netherlands ordered to cut greenhouse gas emissions 2015
  115. Arctic ice 'grew by a third' after cool summer in 2013 2015
  116. Climate change: Australia sets new emissions target 2015
  117. US scientists: Global warming pause 'no longer valid' 2015
  118. Obama orders stronger limits on power-plant emissions 2015
  119. Southern Ocean sucks up more carbon dioxide than was thought 2015    Next Previous
  120. Global-warming limit of 2°C hangs in the balance 2015
  121. 'Stable' region of Antarctica is melting 2015
  122. Methane apocalypse? Defusing the Arctic's time bomb 2015 pwd =
  123. Fossil fuels subsidised by $10m a minute, says IMF 2015
  124. Coal bust may be behind stall in carbon emissions 2015
  125. Arctic sea ice extent hits record low for winter 2015
  126. US makes climate pledge to UN 2015
  127. Amazon: 1% of tree species store 50% of region's carbon 2015
  128. California sets tough new targets to cut emissions 2015
  129. 2014: The hottest year on record 2015
  130. Climate change: China official warns of 'huge impact' 2015
  131. Rate of sea-level rise 'steeper' 2015 Warm water undermining Antarctica's ice shelves 2014
  132. Future US megadroughts set to be the worst in 1,000 years 2015
  133. Nervous scientists wary of giant craters in Siberia 2015
  134. Lima talks map out path to climate treaty 2014 US-China climate deal raises hopes for Lima talks 2014
  135. Geo-engineering: Climate fixes 'could harm billions' 2014
  136. Global CO2 emissions 'stalled' in 2014 2015 Satellite maps global carbon dioxide levels 2014
  137. Ocean carbon release 'ended last Ice Age' 2014
  138. Amazon indigenous land loss threatens climate, says study 2014    Next Previous
  139. World on track for worst-case warming scenario 2014
  140. Rich countries to discuss Green Climate Fund in Berlin 2014
  141. Climate change: Models 'underplay plant CO2 absorption' 2014
  142. Fossil fuels should be phased out by 2100 says IPCC 2014
  143. Climate change summit: world leaders told to 'step up ambition' 2014
  144. EU leaders hammer out landmark climate deal 2014
  145. Record sea ice around Antarctica due to global warming 2014
  146. White House opens door to new rules to cut methane emissions 2014
  147. Ozone recovery helped by warming climate 2014
  148. Hundreds of sea-floor methane plumes spotted by sonar 2014
  149. Esa's Cryosat mission sees Antarctic ice losses double 2014
  150. Greenhouse gas levels rising at fastest rate since 1984 2014
  151. Climate inaction to be 'catastrophe' 2014
  152. Global warming slowdown 'could last another decade' 2014
  153. The seven deadly sinners driving global warming 2014
  154. UN report urges action over rising CO2 2014
  155. Greenland glacier hits record speed 2014
  156. How much hotter is the planet going to get? 2014
  157. Wavier jet stream 'may drive weather shift' 2014
  158. Less gloopy oceans will slow climate change 2014
  159. Climate change: The case of the missing heat 2014 pwd =    Next Previous
  160. Devastating El Nino events to double this century 2014
  161. Pine Island Glacier's retreat 'irreversible' 2014
  162. Is our Sun falling silent? 2014
  163. Last minute deal saves fractious UN climate talks Nov 13
  164. The oceans are heating, acidifying and choking Oct 13
  165. Solar activity heads for lowest low in four centuries 2013
  166. Arctic sea-ice volume bounce back Oct 13
  167. Global warming will increase intensity of El Nino, scientists say Nov 13
  168. Research article: Arctic greening Nov 13 pwd =
  169. Concentrations of warming gases breaks record Nov 13
  170. Report suggests 'permanent slowdown' in CO2 emissions Oct 13
  171. Obama launches plan to fight climate change in US Jun 13
  172. Gaia's comeback: How life shapes the weather Jul 13
  173. The Alaskan village set to disappear underwater in a decade Jul 13
  174. IPCC climate report: humans 'dominant cause' of warming Sep 13
  175. Leaked IPCC report doesn't let us off the hook Jul 13
  176. Cryosat mission observes continuing Arctic winter ice decline Sep 13
  177. Clouds save Earth from runaway greenhouse hell Jul 13
  178. Rise in violence 'linked to climate change' Aug13
  179. Frozen fuel: The giant methane bonanza Sep 13
  180. Peat bogs could save the world Sep 13
  181. European forests near 'carbon saturation point' Aug 13
  182. Arctic methane 'time bomb' could have huge economic costs Jul 13    Next Previous
  183. Antarctic ice melting faster than in past 1000 years Apr 13
  184. Antarctic flood produces 'ice crater' Jul 13
  185. True face of climate's hockey stick graph revealed Mar 13
  186. Climate slowdown means extreme rates of warming 'not as likely' May 13
  187. Secret funding helped build vast network of climate denial thinktanks Mar 13
  188. Tropical forests unexpectedly resilient to climate change Mar 13
  189. Major methane release is almost inevitable Feb 13
  190. Arctic thaw may be first in cascade of tipping points Feb 13
  191. Global temperatures are close to 11,000-year peak Mar 13
  192. Carbon dioxide passes 400 ppm mark May 13
  193. Antarctic ice volume measured Mar 13 Cryosat spots Arctic sea-ice loss in autumn Feb 13 Global warming expands Antarctic sea ice Mar 13
  194. The melting of Canada's glaciers is irreversible Mar 13
  195. Sea urchin nickel 'trick' could be key to capturing carbon Feb 13
  196. Experts fear 1m sea level rise by 2100 Jan 13 Projections of sea level rise are vast underestimates Nov 12
  197. Barack Obama promises US action on climate Jan 13
  198. Leaked IPCC report reaffirms dangerous climate change Dec 12
  199. Tackling global warming head on Jan 13
  200. Doha summit launches climate damage aid Dec 12
  201. World's biggest geoengineering experiment 'violates' UN rules Oct 12
  202. The world to burn as much coal as oil by 2017 Jan 2013
  203. Climate concerns as ‘ozone-friendly’ HFCs use grows Nov 11
  204. West Antarctic Ice Sheet warming twice earlier estimate Dec 12
  205. Arctic permafrost is melting faster than predicted Nov 12
  206. Melting in the Andes: Goodbye glaciers Nov 12
  207. Greenland ice sheet melted at unprecedented rate during July Aug 12
  208. Record minimum for Arctic sea ice Sep 12 Satellites trace sea level change Sep 12    Next Previous
  209. Antarctic may host methane stores Aug 12 Antarctic: Grand Canyon-sized rift 'speeding ice melt Jul 12 Loss of Antarctic ice could trigger super- interglacial Jul 12
  210. Tibetan glaciers shrinking rapidly Jul 12
  211. US criticised on 2C climate 'flexibility' call Aug 12 Japan to renege on carbon emissions cuts Jun 12Mexico's president enacts climate change legislation Jun 12
  212. Green decline 'may bring irreversible change' Jul 12
  213. How global warming is driving our weather wild Jul 12
  214. Fox News Distorts Climate Science Sep 12 July 2012 was hottest US month since records began Jul 12
  215. Carbon dioxide levels reach a new milestone Jun 12
  216. Rio Earth Summit Dossier Jun 12 Earth Summit is doomed to fail, say leading ecologists Feb 12
  217. New planet record suggests our solar system is normal Apr 12
    Correcting claims that lobal warming is caused by fluctuations in the sun's brightness.
  218. Oceans acidifying at unprecedented speed Mar 12
  219. Greenland glaciers on the move May 12
  220. Melting Arctic link to cold, snowy UK winters Feb 12
  221. Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point Mar 12
  222. Arctic melt releasing ancient methane May 12
  223. Rising Ocean Temperatures Prime Amazon Rainforest for Fire Apr 12    Next Previous
  224. Temperatures could rise by 3C by 2050, models suggest Mar 12
  225. Humble moss helped to cool Earth and spurred on life Feb 12
  226. French Alpine glaciers in retreat Dec 11
  227. Thawing microbes could control the climate Dec 11
  228. Climate talks end with late deal Dec 11
  229. China's consumers emit more than US for the first time Dec 11
  230. CO2 may not warm the planet as much as thought Nov 11
  231. Global warming 'confirmed' by independent study Oct 11
  232. Climate change 'grave threat' to security and health Oct 11
  233. Arctic ice hits second-lowest level Sep 11
  234. Rivers of Melting Ice Mapped in Antarctica Sep 11
  235. Arctic ozone loss at record level Apr 11
  236. Times Atlas 'wrong' on Greenland ice Sep 11
  237. China 'won't follow US' on carbon emissions Oct 11
  238. Planting forests won't stop global warming Jun 11
  239. Climate change 'threatens peace', UN official warns Jul 11
  240. Stratospheric Pollution Helps Slow Global Warming Jul 11
  241. Global warming lull down to China's coal growth Jul 11
  242. Huge Arctic fire hints at new climate cue Jul 11
  243. Worst ever carbon emissions leave climate on the brink May 11    Next Previous
  244. Climate to wreak havoc on food supply Jun 11
  245. Greenland ice in no hurry to raise seas May 11
  246. Warmer oceans release CO2 faster than thought Apr 11
  247. Shale gas 'worse than coal' for climate Apr 11
  248. Melting sea ice leaves Arctic vulnerable to erosion Apr 11
  249. First signs of ozone-hole recovery spotted May 11
  250. Arctic ozone levels in never-before-seen plunge Apr 11
  251. Ozone hole has dried Australia Apr 11
  252. New warning on Arctic ice melt Apr 11 Wikileaks cables show race to carve up Arctic May 11
  253. Roman rise and fall 'recorded in trees' Jan 11
  254. Polar ice loss quickens, raising seas Mar 11
  255. Copenhagen police detained climate protesters illegally Dec 10
  256. Mass tree deaths prompt fears of Amazon 'climate tipping point' Feb 11
  257. Cancun Dossier Dec 10
  258. Why Ice Ages Don't Last Forever May 10
  259. Tropical forests thrived in ancient global warming Nov 10
  260. Deforestation 'not so important for climate change' Dec 10
  261. 2009 carbon emissions fall smaller than expected Nov 10
  262. UN climate talks in China end without breakthrough Oct 10
  263. Amazon tributary drops to record low in Brazil Oct 10
  264. Declining solar activity linked to recent warming (not cooling!) Oct 10
  265. UK faces more harsh winters in solar activity dip Jul 11
  266. The history of ice on Earth May 10
  267. Ridge clue to Antarctic ice loss June 10
  268. Stricter controls urged for the UN's climate body Aug 10
  269. Record-breaking current found deep in Southern Ocean May 10
  270. Amazon river level in Peru at 40-year low Sept 10
  271. Earth 'too hot for humans' within 300 years May 10
  272. Uganda's highest ice cap splits on Mt Margherita May 10
  273. Academics urge radical new approach to climate change May 10    Next Previous
  274. Review of IPCC workings set to open May 10
  275. An oceanic 'fast-lane' for climate change Apr 10
  276. Enough is enough, say climate scientists May 10
  277. 2010 is 'warmest year ever' May 2010
  278. UN: Prospects for climate deal 'slim' Apr 10
  279. UN body to look at meat and climate link Mar 10
  280. Low solar activity link to cold UK winters Apr 10
  281. A quiet sun won't save us from global warming Feb 10
  282. Gulf Stream 'is not slowing down' Mar 10
  283. Climate change will make world more 'fragrant' Feb 10
  284. Greenpeace issues warning about data centre power Mar 10
  285. Which climate changes can be blamed on humans? Mar 10
  286. Greenland's glaciers disappearing from the bottom up Feb 10
  287. Vast iceberg 'may disrupt ocean currents' Feb 10
  288. Methane bubbling out of Arctic Ocean - but is it new? Mar 10   Next Previous
  289. Arctic arch failure leads to sea-ice exodus Apr 10
  290. 'Paltry' Copenhagen carbon pledges point to 3C world Apr 10
  291. Methane release 'looks stronger' Jan10
  292. Major Antarctic glacier is 'past its tipping point' Jan10
  293. Major sea level rise likely as Antarctic ice melts Dec09
  294. Glacier threat to Bolivia capital Dec09
  295. UN climate body admits 'mistake' on Himalayan glaciers Jan10
  296. Officials back climate change science at Delhi talks Jan10
  297. Scientists test climate change 'earlywarning system' Dec09
  298. Copenhagen response 'is pathetic' Feb 10
  299. Copenhagen climate summit undone by 'arrogance' Mar 10
  300. The Copenhagen Dossier Dec09
  301. Climate change: Copenhagen in graphics Dec09
  302. China's climate target: is it achievable? Dec09
  303. Ships provide insight into ocean carbon Dec09
  304. Amazon is best site for forest carbon investments Dec09
  305. 'Acidifying oceans' threaten food supply, UK warns Dec 09    Next Previous
  306. Earth in 'hottest decade on record' Dec09
  307. While Nepal cabinet meets on Everest, Maldives cabine meets underwater Dec09
  308. EU strikes climate funding deal Nov 09 US will announce target for cutting carbon emissions Nov 09 Obama to attend Copenhagen - US cuts announced Nov 09
  309. Brazil and France in climate deal Nov 09 India-China climate change deal Nov 09 China agrees target Nov 09
  310. Final round for UN climate talks Nov 09 Climate causes African Conflict Nov 09
  311. Trees in far north provide biggest climate benefit Nov 09 Treaty omission spells bad news for rainforests Nov 09
  312. Earth 'heading for 6C' of warming Nov 09 Global warming science alarming, say climate experts Nov 09 Stark Diagnosis for Copenhagen Nov 09
  313. Computer Studies 'overstate species risks' from climate change Nov 09
  314. Nature: Counting carbon in the Amazon + When the Ice Melts Oct 09
  315. Glaciers disappearing from Kilimanjaro Nov 09
  316. Indonesia third-largest greenhouse gas emitter Nov 09
  317. Greenland ice loss 'accelerating' Nov 09 Greenland ice loss behind a sixth of sealevel rise Nov 09
  318. East Antarctic ice sheet may be losing mass Nov 09 East Antarctica Thawing Nov 09
  319. Can cloud ships and space sun shades fix the planet? Nov 09
  320. Climategate Dossier Nov09 Hacked archive provides fodder for climate sceptics Nov 09 NZ climate scientist falls victim to hackers Nov 09 UK lawmakers take heat off 'Climategate' scientist Mar 10 'No malpractice' by climate unit Apr 10
  321. Arctic to be 'ice-free in summer' Nov 09
  322. 'Scary' climate message from past Oct 09
  323. What happened to global warming? Oct 09 'Nature' attacks the BBC for climate change U-turn Nov 09
  324. Pause in Arctic's melting trend Sep 09
  325. Map sequence of Arctic Polar Ice 1999-2009    Next Previous
  326. Doctors warn on climate failure Sep 09
  327. China vows climate change action Sep 09
  328. Earth's coastlines after sea-level rise, 4000 AD Aug 09
  329. Global warming could change Earth's tilt Aug 09
  330. Photosynthetic viruses keep world's oxygen levels up Aug 09
  331. Trees advance in a warming world Aug 09
  332. 'Artificial trees' to cut carbon Aug 09
  333. Arctic 'warmest in 2,000 years' Aug 09
  334. Global warming sparked by ancient farming methods Aug 09
  335. Climate change: no Eden, no apocalypse Sep 09
  336. Methane seeps from Arctic sea bed Aug 09
  337. Antarctic glacier 'thinning fast' Aug 09
  338. Glaciers a canary in the coal mine of global warming Jul 09
  339. World powers accept warming limit Jul 09
  340. Origin of Antarctic ice revealed Jun 09
  341. US House passes key climate bill Jul 09
  342. Obama to regulate 'pollutant' CO2 May 2009
  343. 'Safe' climate means 'no to coal' May 2009
  344. 'Quiet Sun' baffling astronomers May 2009
  345. Spam 'produces 17m tons of CO2' May 2009
  346. Key role of forests 'may be lost' May 2009
  347. Ice sheet melt threat reassessed May 2009
  348. Why Antarctic ice is growing despite global warming May 2009    Next Previous
  349. Earth warming faster than thought BBC Mar 2009
  350. Ice bridge ruptures in Antarctic BBC Mar 2009
  351. 'More bad news' on climate change BBC Mar 2009
  352. The Next 100 Years New Sci Feb 2009
  353. Antarctic bulge could flood Washington DC New Scientist Feb 2009
  354. Global warming 'underestimated' BBC Feb 2009
  355. Global Warming Irreversible BBC Jan 2009
  356. Risks of Global Warming Rising: Is It Too Late to Reverse Course? Sci Am Feb 2009
  357. Seas Suffocating BBC Jan 2009
  358. Acid oceans 'need urgent action' BBC Jan 2009
  359. Even Antarctica is now feeling the heat of climate change BBC 2009
  360. Sea Ice Changes 'amplify Arctic warming' BBC 2008
  361. Arctic melt 20 years ahead of climate models New Sci 2008
  362. How kangaroo burgers could save the planet New Sci 2008    Next Previous
  363. Sea level rise by 2100 'below 2m' BBC 2008
  364. Poor countries 'need carbon cuts' BBC 2008
  365. Sea Level Estimates Big Rise 2008
  366. Forecast for big sea level rise BBC 2008
  367. No links to Solar Activity 2008
  368. More doubt on cosmic climate link BBC 2008
  369. Clue to break-up of ice shelves BBC 2008
  370. Arctic ice thickness 'plummets' BBC 2008
  371. New rifts form on Antarctic ice shelf BBC 2008
  372. Warming boosts strongest storms BBC 2008
  373. North Atlantic cold-water sink returns to life New Sci 2008
  374. China biggest CO2 Polluter 2008
  375. China 'now top carbon polluter' BBC 2008
  376. Climate 'could devastate crops' 2008
  377. AGU Climate 'clearly out of balance' 2008
  378. Vast cracks appear in Arctic ice BBC 2008
  379. Arctic ice 'is at tipping point' BBC 2008
  380. Arctic sea ice melt 'even faster' BBC 2008
  381. Arctic losing long-term ice cover BBC 2008
  382. Major ice-shelf loss for Canada BBC 2008
  383. Greenland ice sheet slams the brakes on New Sci 2008    Next Previous
  384. Next decade 'may see no warming' BBC 2008
  385. Sea levels 'rising faster than predicted' 2007
  386. Rising seas 'to beat predictions' 2007
  387. Warning on rising Mediterranean Sea levels BBC 2008
  388. Hints of methane's renewed rise bbc 2008
  389. Climate change in Graphics BBC 2007
  390. IPCC Humans blamed for climate change 2007
  391. Billions face climate change risk 2007
  392. Commentares from the Bali Climate Summit 2007
  393. Nature on Bali 2007
  394. The Tipping Point Science 2006
  395. Climate change 'real and severe' BBC 2006
  396. Backing for 'hockey stick' graph New Sci 2006
  397. Evolutionary Response to Rapid Climate Change Science 2006    Next Previous
  398. 'Clear' human impact on climate BBC 2006
  399. Global warming risk much higher BBC 2006
  400. No doubt about it the world is warming Science 2006
  401. Antarctic ice sheet is an 'awakened giant' New Sci 2006
  402. Antarctica losing ice to oceans BBC 2006
  403. No sign of increased snowfall in Antarctica Nature 2006
  404. Unexpected warming in Antarctica BBC 2006
  405. Significant Warming of the Antarctic Winter Troposphere Science 2006
  406. Antarctic birds 'breeding later' BBC 2006
  407. China and India 'hold the world in balance' New Sci 2006
  408. Sharp rise in CO2 levels recorded BBC 2006
  409. Consensus grows on climate change BBC 2006
  410. Curbing climate change 'unlikely' BBC 2006
  411. 'Major melt' for Alpine glaciers BBC 2006
  412. Greenland ice cap may be melting at triple speed New Scientist 2006
  413. Changes in the Velocity Structure of the Greenland Ice Sheet Science 2006   Next Previous
  414. The Greenland Ice Sheet and Global Sea-Level Rise Science 2006
  415. Greenland ice swells ocean rise BBC 2006
  416. Greenland glacier races to ocean BBC 2005
  417. New analysis says global warming boosts hurricanes New Scientist 2006
  418. Ice Core Extends Climate Record Back 650,000 Years New Sci 2005
  419. CO2 'highest for 650,000 years' BBC 2005
  420. New analysis says global warming boosts hurricanes New Sci 2006
  421. A Worrying Trend of Less Ice, Higher Seas Science 2006
  422. Hitting the Ice Sheets Where It Hurts Science 2006
  423. Paleoclimatic Evidence for Future Ice-Sheet Instability and Rapid Sea-Level Rise Science 2006
  424. Simulating Arctic Climate Warmth and Icefield Retreat in the Last Interglaciation Science 2006
  425. Methane burps disproved? New Sci 2006
  426. Plants revealed as methane source BBC 2006
  427. Air trends amplify warming BBC 2006
  428. North Atlantic Conveyor in Trouble 2006
  429. Ocean Currents Flip Out Nature 2006
  430. Greenhouse gas 'to rise by 52%' BBC 2005   Next Previous
  431. Earth 'on fast track' to warming BBC 2006
  432. Polar ice sheets show net loss BBC 2006
  433. A Sea Change Nature 2006
  434. Sea-level rise is quickening pace Nature 2006
  435. Sea level rise 'is accelerating' BBC 2006
  436. Delay expected in ozone recovery New Sci 2005
  437. Global warming weakens Pacific winds Nature 2006
  438. Monsoon gloom strikes South Asia New Sci 2006

Latest high accuracy predictions show no sign of population growth peak by 2100. Left: World population trends in the latest 2014 study show high confidence estimates of world population growing from the current 7 billion to 11 billion by 2100 with no sign of reduction (10% and 5% variations in darkening colours). Right: Growth by continent with Africa failing to curb population growth (Gerland P et al. 2014 pwd =). This shows that the unrestrained population growth is largely confined to Africa, with other continents stabilizing and some countries experiencing a population decline due to rapidly falling fertility rates. Inset left: Current fertility rates in children per woman. Below right: 2017 world birth rates and population pyramids (Lancet 2018).

4: Population
Next Previous

For a complete focussed discussion, see The Population Bomb and Religion, Politics, Sexual Reproduction and the Future of Human Society

  1. Birthrates are plummeting worldwide. Can governments turn the tide?
  2. Births in Japan hit record low as government warns crisis at 'critical state'
  3. New Zealand's fertility rate hits record low as births fall
  4. South Korea's fertility rate sinks to record low despite $270bn in incentives
  5. Spanish birth rate hits lowest level since records began in 1941
  6. France sees collapse in births to lowest since World War Two
  7. The World's Population May Peak in Your Lifetime. What Happens Next?
  8. South Korea's birthrate sinks to fresh record low of 0.78 as population crisis deepens
  9. China's fertility rate drops to record low 1.09 in 2022 – Japan demographic woes deepen as birth rate hits record low of 1.25
  10. World 'population bomb' may never go off as feared, finds study
  11. India's birth control measures resonate among its Muslims
  12. India faces deepening demographic divide as it prepares to overtake China as the world's most populous country
  13. UN warns against alarmism as world's population reaches 8bn
  14. China allows three children in major policy shiftChina's population growth rate falls to 61-year low
  15. Fertility rate: South Korea records world's lowest fertility rate again at 0.81Australia's fertility rate falls to record low in 2020Experts sound alarm on declining birth rates among younger generations 2021 World at peak as twin birth rates reach historic high 2021 'Jaw-dropping' global crash in children being born 2020 Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study pwd =The world's population is nearing 8 billion 2019 China's birthrate falls to lowest level despite push for more babies 2020 Japan's birth rate hits another record low in 2019 2020 -- 'Remarkable' decline in fertility rates worldwide 2018 New Zealand birthrate sinks to its lowest ever Just 1.61 per child-bearing woman 2021
  16. Falling total fertility rate should be welcomed, population expert says 2018
  17. About 1 in 4 Japanese adults in their 20s and 30s is a virgin, study says 2018
  18. Japan suffers biggest natural population decline ever in 2018
  19. China faces 'unstoppable' population decline by mid-century 2019
  20. China moves to end two-child limit, finishing decades of family planning 2018
  21. U.S. fertility rates collapse - New data confirms historic declines across all races, in both urban and rural areas 2018
  22. South Korea's fertility rate set to hit record low of 0.96 2018 South Korea's fertility rate falls to record low of 0.98 2019
  23. 'We lose 1,400 girls a year. Who will our boys marry?': Armenia's quandary 2018   

  24. US birth rates drop to lowest since 1987 2018              Next Previous
  25. Paul Ehrlich: 'Collapse of civilisation is a near certainty within decades' 2018
  26. Turkey's waning fertility threatens Erdoğan's vision of strength 2017
  27. South Korea birth rate plunges to record low 2017
  28. Subsidised egg freezing isn't the answer to Japan's birth rate 2016
  29. Italy set to double child benefit to combat low birth rate 2016
  30. China to end one-child policy and allow two 2015
  31. COP21: Cardinal says birth control may offer climate 'solution' 2015
  32. South Korea Birthrate Hits Lowest on Record 2015
  33. Concern as Japan's 2014 birth rate falls to record low 2014
  34. World population unlikely to stop growing this century 2014
  35. No baby boom from ease in China's 1-child policy 2014
  36. Japan's population falls 'by record 244,000' 2013
  37. Human Population Growth Creeps Back Up Sep 13
  38. Is population growth out of control? Sep 13
  39. Can we be sure the world's population will stop rising? Oct 12   Next Previous
  40. When will the 7 billionth human be born? Oct 11
  41. Perils of baby sex preference Jul 11
  42. Is India's population policy sexist? Jul 11
  43. Taiwan's birth rate plummets to 0.9 despite government measures Aug 11. Taiwan has the world's lowest birth rate.
  44. Dubious assumptions prime population bomb May 11
  45. Nigeria population: Sachs' three-baby plan 'tricky' May 11
  46. UN warns on Vietnam birth ratio Oct 10
  47. China's one-child policy - success or failure? Sept 10
  48. South Koreans told to go home and make babies 20 Jan 2010 South Korea has one of the world's lowest birth rates
  49. China faces growing sex imbalance 11 Jan 2010 More than 24 million Chinese men of marrying age could find themselves without spouses by 2020. The gender imbalance among newborns is the most serious demographic problem for the country's population of 1.3 billion. The academy of social science cites sex-specific abortions as a major factor, due to China's traditional bias towards male children.
  50. Brazil's soap operas linked to dramatic drop in birth rates Sep 09
  51. Shanghai urges 'two-child policy' Jul 09
  52. China 'may revamp one-child rule' 29 February 2008
  53. Population and Sustainability: Can We Avoid Limiting the Number of People? Sci Am 09   Next Previous
  54. Chinese fertility drugs challenge one-child policy May 27, 2007 Many Chinese take fertility drugs in the hope of a multiple pregnancy.
  55. Riots as women forced to undergo abortions May 28, 2007 Residents in a riot-torn county in south China admit they violated family planning policy, but say government retribution, including forced abortions, was illegal and excessive.
  56. China warns of population growth 7 May 2007 China's top family planning body has warned of a "population rebound" as couples flout one child policy rules.
  57. China 'to punish' two-child rich 1 March 2007.
  58. Japan birth rate shows rare rise 1 January 2007 The fertility rate - the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime - was expected to be 1.29 in 2006, compared to the record low of 1.26 in 2005. However, a rate of 2.1 is needed to prevent a population drop
  59. Large families 'bad for parents' 26 December 2006 The situation was worst for women, because they were affected by the physical costs of bearing the children. Fathers' mortality risk increased the more children they had, but never exceeded that of mothers.


Tsar Bomba 50 megatons 30 October 1961 called Kuzma's Mother - afer Krushchev's "We'll Show You"

5: Nuclear Holocaust

Next Previous

Exploding the Millennium Countdown on Threats and Risks of Nuclear Extinction - for full discussion

Left: Ozone hole trends 1979-2013. Right: Jan-Dec 2016. Due to newer contaminants from making PVC, closing the ozone hole may be delayed for 30 more years.

6: The Ozone Hole

Next Previous

  1. Earth's ozone layer on course to be healed by 2040 – Scientists call out rogue CFC emissions from China
  2. The ozone hole over the South Pole is now bigger than Antarctica 2021
  3. Rare (and large) ozone hole appears over the Arctic 2020 Ozone-depleting gases may have doubled extreme Arctic warming 2020
  4. 2019 ozone hole could be smallest in three decades - 'Ozone hole vigilance still required' 2019
  5. Banned CFCs traced to China 2019 - Source Article pwd = China plans CFC-monitoring network to investigate rogue emissions
  6. Ozone hole mystery: China insulating chemical said to be source of rise 2018
  7. Mysterious rise in banned ozone-destroying chemical shocks scientists 2018
  8. Ozone layer recovery could be delayed by 30 years 2017
  9. Record hole in ozone layer 'no cause for alarm' 2015
  10. Antarctic ozone hole is on the mend 2016

New 'planetary health diet' can save lives and the planet, major review suggests. Nuts - 50g a day, Beans, chickpeas, lentils and other legumes - 75g a day, Fish - 28g a day, Eggs - 13g a day (so one and a bit a week), Meat - 14g a day of red meat and 29g a day of chicken, Carbs - whole grains like bread and rice 232g a day and 50g a day of starchy vegetables, Dairy - 250g - the equivalent of one glass of milk, Vegetables (300g) and fruit (200g). The diet has room for 31g of sugar and about 50g worth of oils like olive oil.

7: Sustainable Society

Next Previous

  1. Geothermal power is vying to be a major player in the world's clean-energy future
  2. Australia greenlights $19bn solar project to export power to Singapore
  3. Generating clean electricity with chicken feathers
  4. Could superpowered plants be the heroes of the climate crisis?
  5. US offshore wind poised for success in 2024
  6. How do you stop a glacier from melting? Put up an underwater curtain
  7. Grid-forming inverters may be key to integrating more solar and wind energy
  8. The planet's economist: has Kate Raworth found a model for sustainable living?
  9. China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time
  10. Revolutionary' solar power cell innovations break key energy threshold
  11. AI pioneer says AI threat to world may be 'more urgent' than climate change
  12. Could floating solar farms survive out at sea? – Two energy giants, two green projects: one double-booking in North Sea
  13. Embrace what may be the most important green technology ever. It could save us all:
    Never mind the yuck factor: precision fermentation could produce new staple foods, and end our reliance on farming
  14. How to make jet fuel from sunlight, air and water vapor 2022 – 'World-first' hydrogen project raises questions about its role 2022
  15. How to make recyclable plastics out of CO2 2022
  16. How tide has turned on UK tidal stream energy as costs ebb and reliability flows:
    Investors are seeing rising potential in tidal power as turbines become more powerful and easier to deploy
  17. This Arctic town wants to make renewable energy work at the top of the world 2022
  18. UK gives go ahead to rival 'net zero carbon' North Sea schemes: accused of greed in selling rights to 'incompatible' carbon capture and windfarm projects
  19. Energy shift creates opening for 'world's largest batteries'
  20. Nighttime Photovoltaic Cells: Electrical Power Generation by Optically Coupling with Deep Space
  21. Green hydrogen could be the fuel of the future. Here's why it's not yet a silver bullet
  22. Global windfarm installations expected to surge after Covid drop, says report
  23. "Dimming the sun': $100m geoengineering research programme proposed 2021 Whitest-ever paint could help cool heating Earth
  24. Ignoring pandemic, Americans installed record amounts of solar and wind energy 2021 Jet fuel from waste 'dramatically lowers' emissions -- source article pwd =-- Bladeless turbines could bring wind power to your home 2021
  25. Children raised in greener areas have higher IQ, study finds 2020
  26. New 'planetary health diet' can save lives and the planet, major review suggests 2019 EAT-Lancet Commission Report
    'Green hydrogen' from renewables could become cheapest 'transformative fuel' within a decade -- Rivers could generate thousands of nuclear power plants worth of energy, thanks to a new 'blue' membrane
    -- Three unusual inventions for renewable elecrticity 2020 Powerhouses: nanotechnology turns bricks into batteries 2020 The $16 billion plan to beam Australia's Outback sun onto Asia's power grids 2020
  27. We must transform food production to save the world, says leaked IPCC report 2019 Healthier food choices almost always benefit environment 2019 source article pwd =Lab-grown food will soon destroy farming -- and save the planet 2020
  28. Grid batteries: World's biggest battery with 1,200MW capacity set to be built in NSW Hunter Valley 2021 Denmark to build 'first energy island' in North Sea 2021
  29. 'Green' colonialism is ruining Indigenous lives in Norway 2020
  30. In a First, Renewable Energy Is Poised to Eclipse Coal in U.S. The coronavirus has pushed the coalindustry to once-unthinkable lows, and the consequences for climate change are big. 2020 Renewable power surges as pandemic scrambles global energy outlook 2020
  31. Artificial solar leaves successfully produce clean syngas 2019 Renewable CO2 recycling and synthetic fuel production on solar islands 2019 pwd =
    New Electrochemical Device Removes Carbon Dioxide from Stream of Air 2019
  32. Electric vehicles close to 'tipping point' of mass adoption 2021
  33. 'Bath sponge' breakthrough could boost cleaner cars 2020 source article pwd =
  34. Deploy diverse renewables to save tropical rivers 2019 pwd = Perovskites on Trial 2019 pwd =
  35. Quest for Fire: turning solar and wind power into gasoline 2019 Energy startup Heliogen achieves high temperature solar breakthrough 2019
  36. Carbon Capture: Do we need millions of machines sucking CO2 from the air?Microsoft's million-tonne CO2-removal purchase — lessons for net zero 2021 Carbon capture is vital to meeting climate goals, scientists tell green critics 2021 Potential for large-scale CO2 removal via enhanced rock weathering with croplands pwd =2020 Spreading rock dust on fields could remove vast amounts of CO2 from air 2020 The tiny Swiss company that thinks it can help stop climate change 2019 A climate change solution slowly gains ground 2019 Carbon Capture - Is it a Viable Strategy? 2017 9
  37. Plan to sell 50m meals made from electricity, water and air 2019 Crystalline nets harvest water from desert air, turn carbon dioxide into liquid fuel 2019
    Could Air-Conditioning Fix Climate Change? 2019 Should we fertilize oceans or seed clouds? No one knows 2019
  38. Reaping the wind with the biggest turbines ever made 2018 $13.6B record-breaking solar park rises from Dubai desert 2019
  39. The global potential for converting renewable electricity to negative-CO2-emissions hydrogen 2018 pwd =
  40. Ammonia - a renewable fuel made from sun, air, and water - could power the globe without carbon 2018 New battery gobbles up carbon dioxide 2018
  41. Filling Sahara with solar and wind farms would double local rainfall 2018
  42. New technology could slash carbon emissions from aluminium production 2018
  43. Innovative zero-emissions power plant begins battery of tests 2018 Sucking carbon dioxide from air is cheaper than scientists thought 2018
  44. After the 'sunrush': what comes next for solar power? 2018
  45. Wind and solar power could meet four-fifths of US electricity demand, study finds 2018   Next Previous
  46. Electric cars already cheaper to own and run than petrol or diesel – study 2017
  47. Indian solar power prices hit record low, undercutting fossil fuels 2017
  48. Full tilt: giant offshore wind farm opens in North Sea 2017
  49. Renewables cut Europe's carbon emissions by 10% in 2015, says EEA 2017
  50. Catch wave power in floating nets 2016
  51. World's environment parliament agrees 25 steps to save the Earth 2016
  52. The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows 2016
  53. Renewable energy capacity overtakes coal 2016
  54. Next-Generation Batteries Ramp Up Capacity 2016
  55. Investment in renewables was double that of coal and gas in 2015 2016
  56. New type of ‘flow battery’ can store 10 times the energy of the next best device 2015
  57. Getting creative to cut methane from cows 2015
  58. Australian PM bans renewable energy body from investing in wind 2015
  59. How Tanzania plans to light up a million homes with solar power 2015
  60. China ‘deserves more credit’ for renewable energy effort 2015
  61. Harvard Reveals Quality and Quantity of Key Crops is Changing 2015
  62. Wind turbines take to the skies to seek out more power 2014
  63. Giant solar farm uses molten salt to keep power coming 2014
  64. Sunflower solar harvester provides power and water 2014
  65. Methane hydrate: dirty fuel or energy saviour? 2014
  66. Is Australia falling out of love with solar power? 2014
  67. Batteries of ice, iron and glass store renewable power 2014   Next Previous
  68. EU outlines 2030 climate goals 2014
  69. Trailblazing power plant is first to bury its carbon 2014
  70. France struggles to cut down on nuclear power 2014
  71. World's largest solar power plant opens 2014
  72. Renewable energy to eclipse gas by 2016 Jun 13
  73. Farmed fish overtakes farmed beef for first time Jun 13
  74. Wind power is now cheaper than coal in some countries Feb 13
  75. Sugar-rich willow can boost biofuels' green credentials Jan 13
  76. Texas mega-battery aims to green up the grid Fen 13
  77. Solar energy plant set to be Africa's largest Dec 12
  78. Solar power hits a tortoise roadblock May 12
  79. South Korea's drive for renewable energy Dec 11
  80. One third of Scotland's energy needs coming from renewables Mar 12
  81. Are Denmark's renewable energy goals wishful thinking? Apr 12
  82. Microsoft promises to go carbon neutral from July May 12
  83. Fife Energy Park to host new offshore turbine concept Apr 12
  84. Nanoparticle solar cells make light work Nov 11
  85. Solar Power 2011 - Solar PV Breaks Records in 2010
  86. Wind and wave farms could affect Earth's energy balance Mar 11   Next Previous
  87. "Artificial Leaf" Might Provide Easy, Mobile Energy Mar 11
  88. Water map shows billions at risk of 'water insecurity' Sept 10
  89. US government approves first offshore wind farm Apr 10
  90. China steams ahead on clean energy Mar 10
  91. Masdar: Abu Dhabi's carbon-neutral city Mar 10
  92. Are Engines the Future of Solar Power? Dec09
  93. Solar panel costs 'set to fall' Nov09
  94. New technology cleans up coal with CO2 Nov09
  95. Meeting India's tree planting guru Sep 09
  96. Malawi windmill boy with big fans Oct 09
  97. Floating wind turbine launched Jun 09
  98. Ranchers driving wind revolution Jun 09
  99. US takes pole position in generation of wind power Nature Feb 2009
  100. Abu Dhabi - Green city planned for the desert BBC 2008
  101. EU reveals energy plan of action BBC 2008
  102. Europe unveils ambitious energy plan New Sci 2008
  103. Earth on course for eco 'crunch' BBC 2008
  104. As children starve, world struggles for solution CNN 2008
  105. Honda makes first hydrogen cars BBC 2008
  106. Limits to Growth New Sci. 2008
  107. Limits to Growth in 2008 CSIRO

Peak oil chart (2008) Diminishing reserves of oil typify many non-renewable Earth mineral resources.

8: Resources, Biofuels and Peak Oil
Next Previous

  1. Change climate policy now to avert oil market crisis, warns think-tank 2020
  2. Earth's resources consumed in ever greater destructive volumes 2018   
  3. Palm Oil was supposed to save the planet. Instead it unleashed a catastrophe 2018 pwd =
  4. Doubling down on the biofuel boondoggle 2018 Caution urged over use of 'carbon unicorns' to limit warming 2018
  5. Fossil fuels subsidised by $10m a minute, says IMF 2015
  6. The renewable energy scam making global warming worse 2016
  7. Biofuels targets are 'unethical' Apr 11
  8. Warning over global oil 'decline' Oct 09 See Oil predictions
  9. Shell in Hawaiian algae biofuel pilot Dec 2007
  10. Algae hold the key to the biofuel conundrum 2008
  11. EU rethinks biofuels guidelines 2008
  12. Grass biofuels 'cut CO2 by 94%' 2008
  13. Bog barons: Indonesia's carbon catastrophe 2007
  14. Biofuels emissions may be 'worse than petrol' 2008

Left: Bhalswa Landfill Delhi India 62m. Right: Accra Ghana..

9: Pollution

Next Previous

  1. Global plastic talks collapse as oil states rebel
  2. World will be 'unable to cope' with volume of plastic waste in 10 years, warns expert
  3. Microplastic discovery in penises raises erectile dysfunction questions
  4. 60 firms are responsible for half of world's plastic pollution
  5. 'We can't carry on': the godfather of microplastics on how to stop them – Microplastic-eating plankton may be worsening ocean crisis
  6. Striking images show plastic litter in the world's most remote coral reefs
  7. Air pollution particles may be cause of dramatic drop in global insect numbers
  8. EU to drop ban of hazardous chemicals after industry pressure
  9. Brazilian researchers find 'terrifying' plastic rocks on remote island
  10. Recycled plastic can be more toxic and is no fix for pollution
  11. 'Like you're in a horror movie': pollution leaves New Zealand wetlands irreversibly damaged
  12. More than 170tn plastic particles afloat in oceans, say scientists 'Cleanup is futile' if production continues at current rate
  13. Alarming levels of PFAS in Norwegian Arctic ice pose new risk to wildlife – Plastic pollution: Three problems that a global treaty could solve
  14. Scientists warn of 'phosphogeddon' as critical fertiliser shortages loom
  15. Pesticide use around world almost doubles since 1990, report – US firms exploiting Trump-era loophole over toxic 'forever chemicals'
  16. Falling sperm counts 'threaten human survival', expert warns
  17. How 'super-enzymes' that eat plastics could curb our waste problem
  18. Air pollution: Slashing years off the lives of billions, report finds
  19. Takeaway food and drink litter dominates ocean plastic, study shows Just 10 plastic products make up 75% of all items and scientists say the pollution must be stopped at source
  20. Sea snot' covers Turkish coast, threatening fishing industry The mucilage blamed on pollution and warming is killing shellfish in the Sea of Marmara and alarming residents of Istanbul
  21. Trauma, dislocation, pollution: why Māori leaders want control of the South Island's water 2021
  22. Coronavirus pandemic leading to huge drop in air pollution 2020 US and UK yet to show support for global treaty to tackle plastic pollution
  23. Nearly all the world's countries sign deal to prevent plastic waste - except US 2019 Plastic pollution kills half a million hermit crabs 2019
  24. Light pollution is key 'bringer of insect apocalypse' 2019 Impact of air pollution on health may be far worse than thought Source article1 Source article2 pwd =2019
  25. Macroplastics: UN seeks plan to beat plastic nurdlesNurdles: the worst toxic waste you've probably never heard of 2021 Twenty firms produce 55% of world's plastic waste, report reveals Regulators missing pollution's effect on marine life, study finds Car tyres are major source of ocean microplastics – study 2020 More than 14m tonnes of plastic believed to be at the bottom of the ocean 2020 The amount of plastic in the ocean is a lot worse than we thought, study says Source article pwd =2019
    Dumped fishing gear is biggest plastic polluter in ocean - up to 86% of macroplastic 2019   
  26. Microplastics: Whales ingest millions of microplastic particles a day, study finds – Microplastics detected in meat, milk and blood of farm animals Tiny turtle pooed 'pure plastic' for six days after rescue from Sydney beach – Microplastics: Seagrass 'Neptune balls' sieve millions of plastic particles from water, study finds 2021 Clothes washing linked to 'pervasive' plastic pollution in the Arctic 2021 High microplastic concentration found on ocean floor 2020 source article pwd =-The hills are alive with the signs of plastic: even Swiss mountains are polluted 2019
  27. Giant plastic catcher heads for Pacific Ocean clean-up 2018 Floating pipe set to start massive ocean cleanup process 2018
  28. Saving the albatross: 'The war is against plastic and they are casualties on the frontline 2018 Whale that died off Thailand had eaten 80 plastic bags 2018
  29. Marine plastic: Hundreds of fragments in dead seabirds 2018 Sunshine is making Deepwater Horizon oil stick around 2018
  30. Plastic patch in Pacific Ocean growing rapidly, study shows 2018 Southeast Asia's plastic 'addiction' blights world's oceans 2018 Next Previous
  31. Ocean plastic a 'planetary crisis' - UN 2017 UN signals 'end' of throwaway plastic 2017 Seven charts that explain the plastic pollution problem 2017
  32. Plastic pollution: Scientists' plea on threat to ocean giants 2017
  33. 'Extraordinary' levels of toxic pollution found in 10km deep Mariana trench 2017 Shocking photo shows Caribbean Sea being 'choked to death by human waste' 2017
  34. Research article: Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made 2017 pwd = As of 2015, approximately 6300 Mt of plastic waste had been generated, around 9% of which had been recycled, 12% was incinerated, and 79% was accumulated in land-fills or the natural environment. If current production and waste management trends continue, roughly 12,000 Mt of plastic waste will be in landfills or in the natural environment by 2050. Sci. Adv. 2017;3:e1700782
  35. Research article: Exceptional and rapid accumulation of anthropogenic debris on one of the world's most remote and pristine islands 2017 pwd = Here we document the amount of debris and rate of accumulation on Henderson Island, a remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific. The density of debris was the highest reported anywhere in the world, up to 671.6 items/m2 (mean ± SD: 239.4 ± 347.3 items/m2) on the surface of the beaches. Rarely visited by humans, Henderson Island and other remote islands may be sinks for some of the world's increasing volume of waste. PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1619818114
  36. Research article: Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the deepest ocean fauna 2017 pwd = Here we identify extraordinary levels of persistent organic pollutants in the endemic amphipod fauna from two of the deepest ocean trenches (>10,000 metres). Contaminant levels were considerably higher than documented for nearby regions of heavy industrialization, indicating bioaccumulation of anthropogenic contamination and inferring that these pollutants are pervasive across the world's oceans and to full ocean depth. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, 0051 doi: 10.1038/s41559-016-0051
  37. Babies' brains damaged by pollution, and the Asian pollution Crisis 2017
  38. Superbug risk from tonnes of antibiotics fed to animals 2015
  39. Did removing lead from petrol spark a decline in crime? 2014
  40. Four banned ozone depleters detected in the atmosphere 2014
  41. Health of oceans 'declining fast' Oct 13
  42. Big rise in North Pacific plastic waste May 12
  43. Fukushima radioactive fallout nears Chernobyl levels Apr 11
  44. Plastic rubbish blights Atlantic Ocean Feb 10
  45. Mafia 'sank nuclear waste ship' Sep 09
  46. Laughing gas is biggest threat to ozone layer Aug 09
  47. Pollution 'fights global warming' May 2009
  48. China announces plastic bag ban 2008

10: Perspectives and Speculative Technofixes

Extinction Rebellion Activist Network -- BBC Video -- XR Aotearoa
A WORLD WARNING: Populism, Tribalism and the Future of Planet Earth <> The Great Dying is a Wake-Up Call: A Personal Statement


  1. This controversial climate solution could be exactly what the planet needs. Or it could be a colossal disaster
  2. A controversial plan to refreeze the Arctic is seeing promising results. But scientists warn of big risks
  3. Dehydrate the stratosphere to curb global warming?
  4. The 'insane' plan to save the Arctic's sea-ice – Pumped up: will a Dutch startup's plan to restore Arctic sea-ice work?
  5. How much progress are we making on the world's biggest problems?
  6. Tim Peake backs idea for solar farms in space as costs fall
  7. Carbon dioxide removal: the tech that is polarising climate science – Facing brutal climate math, US bets billions on direct air capture
  8. A solution to the climate crisis: mining the moon
  9. How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm 2022
  10. William MacAskill: 'There are 80 trillion people yet to come. They need us to start protecting them'
  11. Climate change, scarcity chip away at degrowth taboo 2022
  12. Two Futures: Positive and Negative The Future We Choose Christiana Figueres 2020
  13. What are the biggest threats to humanity? 2019 We're losing the war on climate change 2019 Use Carbon Dioxide to Generate Electricity by displacing methane 201'9   
  14. We Are All Riders on the Same Planet 2018
  15. Geoengineer polar glaciers to slow sea-level rise 2018 pwd = Manmade Antarctic snowstorm 'could save coastal cities from rising seas' 2019 source article pwd =
  16. Carbon is not the enemy 2017
  17. The Big Cull Can New Zealand Pull Off An Audacious Plan To Get Rid Of Invasive Predators By 2050? pwd =
  18. Germany's energy model can save the world 2014
  19. Violence ahead as tragedies of the commons spread 2014
  20. Asteroid impact risks 'underappreciated' 2014
  21. Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'? 2014
  22. Climate migration is a solution, not desperation Apr 12
  23. UN panel aims for 'a future worth choosing' Jan 12
  24. Nature is the 99%, too al Jazeera
  25. A Point of View: Climate change and craving a cause Dec 11
  26. Migration as [Ecological] Adaption Oct 11 pwd =
  27. Bolivia enshrines natural world's rights with equal status for Mother Earth Apr 11
  28. Bolivia highway protests spread, paralysing La Paz Sep 11
  29. BBC Nature's Sting, Law and Gift Nov 10
  30. Saving forests, cultures and carbon dioxide Mar 10
  31. Economic growth 'cannot continue' Jan10
  32. Low-carbon future: We can afford to go green
  33. The Tragedy of the Commons
  34. The Triumph of the Commons
  35. Hunger: Food production 'must rise 70%' Oct 09 Food Day praise for Brazil, China Nov 09
  36. Setting rules for living on planet earth
  37. How reputation could save the Earth