The are many natural, cultural, scientific and historical signs that our free-fall has come to a climacteric crest in a full-blown cosmic apocalypse. Colonization and rape of the planet, the timing of the Shoah or holocaust, the birth of nuclear weapons in the explosion that was called Trinity, the bitter waters of Chernobyl, the establishment of the state of Israel, the discovery of the cosmological laws of nature, the genetic code and the human genome, the oceans and climate in catastrophic change, and above all the triage of the diversity of life are all motifs evocative of an end of days denouement, surrounding this moment, culminating the 2nd millennium in the birth of a 'new age'.
The extraordinary circumstances surrounding the writing and publication of "The White Goddess" and its submission (in the week of my birth on the Epiphany), caused Colin Wilson to dedicate "The Occult" to Graves. The same bard was to encourage Gordon Wasson in his journey to find Maria Sabina in pursuit of the soma or flesh of the gods teonanactl , which sprouted from the blood spilled by Quetzalcoatl the jade-eyed Toltec Christ as he ran through thorns to rescue the bones of the dead.
I am new man. I am younger than the young and older than the old. Lo! I am unfolded on the stem of time like a flower, ... And a faint star was hesitating wearily, waiting to pass. ...
Then on the slope of silence he sat down and took off his sandals, and I put them on. ... Sleep thou the sleep without dreams. Farewell at the cross-roads, Brother Jesus. ... "And I, I am on the threshold. I am stepping across the border. I am Quetzalcoatl, lord of both ways, star between day and the dark." (The Plumed Serpent - D.H. Lawrence).
During the seventies, I established a young family and sampled the dilemmas of sexual love. Despite many relationships over the years, I remain faithful to my family and see family life as a foundation of spiritual knowing. I began to develop a cosmological description of biogenesis, how life emerges from 'inanimate' physical and chemical processes, as a fractal interaction of the laws of nature, and how it subsequently evolves to become sentient beings. At the same time I made an extensive cultural vigil, to the East, wandering India as a Shiva sadhu. At McLeod Gang, above Dharmsala, I took Buddhist initiations with Yeshe Dorje the Ningmapa exorcist and weather lama, who named me Yeshe Tenzin - primordial awareness / doctrine holder. Later I visited with Karmapa the last head of the Kargu sect. This world vigil continued with a transit through Afghanistan where I was hailed as a Sufi, through the Middle East to Europe and to the US to research the brain and dreaming consciousness.
Following this, I journeyed through the Americas to the sources of the most inscrutable power plants and fungi forming our natural visionary sacraments. I experienced peyote with roadman Tellus Goodmorning of the Native American Church. Subsequent journeys took me to Mexico and Central and South America to the sources of each of the power plants from peyote in the deserts of Mexico, through the sacred mushroom teonanactl in the tropical south of Mexico, to ayahuasca 'vine of the soul' or 'rope of the dead' with its sister plant chacruna on the upper Amazon with the healer Trinico. I thus came to know at first hand and later to nurture the sacraments of the sacred mushroom, the vine of the soul, peyote the little deer of the nierika or cosmic portal and tabernanthe iboga the African 'spirit of the ancestors'. These are the soma and sangre of the biosphere, healing Yeshua's Dionysian sacrificial blood of crucifixion, fulfilling the sacramental religious tradition in living eucharists.
My research later expanded to include transactional quantum
entanglement, edge of chaos dynamics and fractal neurophysiology
of the conscious brain. These areas bridge the unpredictabilities
of an organism in the open environment, self-criticality and quantum
uncertainty. They explain how a sentient brain can possess what
we call free-will in a quantum universe and how and why we evolved
to be subjectively conscious beings. This is the founding paradox,
the nature and meaning of human existence - whether we possess
personal autonomy as entities possessing personal responsibility
for our actions, or mere automata, chemical robots masquerading
as having choice but helpless products of our physiology. This
leads us to questions of sentient cosmology - that the brain is
reaching towards a universal mode of perception, precipitating
a cosmic integration as hinted at in Teilhard de Chardin's works.
Critical to human survival, threats to biodiversity loomed ever
larger as climate change and rampant forest burning spread across
the globe, as the century closed. Further researches into sociobiology
and cultural history produced a bounty of evidence for a basis
for the impacts of human culture on biodiversity in gender crisis
in the form of a transition from a sexually paradoxical gatherer-hunter
society to an epoch of frank patriarchal dominion over woman and
nature alike, affecting our societies and social institutions
in ways which promote short-term winner-take-all exploitation,
warfare, boom and bust economic cycles, and the rape of the natural
diversity of the planet.
During 1996 I developed "Genesis of Eden" as a research resource in biodiversity cosmology and the evolutionary and cultural foundations of human religious traditions. In early 1999 I wrote much of this into "The Black Book of Many Colours".
Rites of Reunion and Renewal
My millennial sabbatical world vigil took me first to the US.
During this time we made two journeys, one to Olympia and Seattle
to visit a sacramental paradise of nature in the US and the other
to Santa Fe to perform the opening of Weaving Renewal. The name
'renewal' which was taken from the Essene post-messianic age in
which life span would again flower, was echoed serendipitously
when we arrived on the rear of St. Francis' Cathedral "This
is not the end of the story - Renew". Amid catastrophic lightning
and a rowdy wedding reception, we pronounced the Gaia-Isaiah anointing
liberation in the names of Dionysus and Gaia.
Jane, my son Heath, and I then embarked on the journey through South America, described in the next chapter filming the burning season in Bolivia and making a transit of the Amazon basin from the Andes altiplano down the Urubamba, Ucayali, Solminoes and Amazon, described in the following chapter. At Iquitos I pronounced the names of the plants and animals, vanishing all too quickly from the face of the Earth, in remembrance of the first Adam in the Garden, following the preface of Caesar Calvo's 'Three Halves of Ino Moxo'. We travelled back up the Madeira and through the Pantanal to Rio, filming the human impact on diversity, pronouncing the apocalypse of the life tree in a warning, from the Cristo Redemptor about the consequence of holocaust of the diversity of life and genetic modification, as a conclusion to the video production of "Apocalypsia" the bridal unveiling.
On our arrival in England we made a pilgrimage to the Isle of Avalon and entered the Earth at Kennet Long Barrow to celebrate the descent;
Jane: We came to Glastonbury and Avebury partly because in the Mists of Avalon by Mary Zimmer Bradly she shows Glastonbury Tor as the uniting of the early Arthurian Christian time with the ancient Goddess religion at Avalon and so in the novel this is the place where the two meet and mingle and its the last place in the world where they meet and mingle in that way, and we think that we would like to see a reuniting of all paths and bring the goddess back into the world so it seemed an good and appropriate place to enter the mists of Avalon and stand on Glastonbury Tor and then come to Avebury and sit here in this barrow and feel it and talk about it.
Descent into the
Earth at Kennet Long Barrow. Morgan as manifestation of the European
Goddess with the Green Man as rejuvenating mashiach of the verdant
Chris: I'm sitting here with Jane. Beside us there are two sets of candles, four white and two green that Sarah brought, and flowers that Sarah brought. This is an auspicious time because we came here too do this presentation of the reuniting of feminine and masculine and Sarah had actually just brought these candles and placed them here before we arrived and I'm intentionally represented here as a greeen man as a healing process partly for Christianity because Jesus was the true vine and we have a trenemendous epoch of destruction, we have bloodshed, we have the bloodshed of the cross, we have the burning of Armageddon, we have now the burning of the great rain forests, so we have the greeen element is being put to hell fire essentially and so the antidote to this process is reuniting of feminine and masculine and the reuniting of humanity and nature and Jesus also descended into hell and ascended again Now Inanna does the descent. The descent, is done by Inanna in three days and she returns to the surface and by threading together the underworld and the world of heaven and the world of Earth we gain a sense of unity and appreciate the cosmic perspective in reuniting heaven and the underworld, and Earth and the world of living experience together. So Jane and I are coming here intentionally to be here in the bowels of the Earth to endthis myth that Jesus is just associated with heaven. To bring about the greening of the planet throught the male gender readopting the persona of the green man in reuniting with nature and reuniting with the feminine. We are here to represent that for that to be seen that that has been done. That the masculine has returned into the uterine bowels of the Earth in the regeneration of the process of nature.
St. Sarah the black madonna said to have
come ashore with Magdalen and Mary in an oarless boat as a girl
Jane and I traversed Europe from the sacraments of Amsterdam to Saintes Marie de la Mer, coinciding providently with the hour of her festival and in Rome with the bell toll of papal annunciation for the Immaculate Conception, challenging the hierarchical stewardship and pronouncing the return of the sacred feminine in all her manifestations, Magdalen, Ella, Gaia, Asherah, Shekhinah to bless the Earth in abundance and matrimonial concord and of the living sacraments in the name of Maria Sabina a name reverberating with Rome's first raped matriarchs.
"The Pope is the servant of the
messiah and the servant of the church and not the master. You
can see behind me this sculpture, the pope standing at the bottom
[at Christ's feet]. We have a history of heirarchy with the pope
at the top. That's an inversion of the natural order because Jesus
said the from the lowest and that people that sit at the table
the lowest should become the highest, well not should bcome, but
the attitude of humility is the servant and Luke says a steward
until the time the lord comes, so here I stand in St. Peters -
the 'lord' has come."
Chris: Jane and I have made a vigil to St. Peters. Today is the 8th. It happens to be the feast of the immaculate conception. That's a complete coincidence. We arrived in Rome to the sound of the bells tolling for the Feast of the Immaculate conception just as we arrived for the bells tolling in Saintes Marie de la Mer.
Jane: Today is the feast of the immaculate conception of Mary. The Pope has given a talk about Mary. And I'm here to say that this is all a dream that humanity has dreamed. There's some beauty if you look around theres a lot of beautiful art here, but its been a dream for 2000 years that this be the last ffeast of the immaculate comception of Mary in this millennium - it's time to think about "an we change this dream?". And why should we change this dream. And I think we need to awaken from this dream because its flawed in the sense that its as if having put the warp on the loom we've woven it into the weft withut giving it any credit for making the fabric whole. The vision we've dreamed up has women supporting this institution, these structures, this vision and doesn't addres ... and doesn't show the completion of the complementarity of the whole fabric. And its time to recognize the weft is not just helping the warp its an integral pat of the fabric. So I'm standing here at St. Peters, having heard the Pope speak and saying it's time to include the feminine, reinclude it just as Jesus included Magdalen, and to bring women back into the whole fabric.
Pronouncing the return of the sacred
feminine at Rome.
The church celebrates Mary the mother of Jesus as a virgin and this keeps the female locked into a very minor role in a way that sequesters women off to the side that sex is unholy that God prefers women to be chaste and this clearly a mistake. The world would not go on if this were the case. The whole hierarchical structure of the church and of society allows for a kind of scene where everything must be on top of or below everything else and having put women below men so that as Milton said "He is for God and she is for God in him", the church has left out this whole part of humanity and made it subsidiary to the main thing.
Chris: For me as a person standing [as] messiah of biocosmology, trying to renew the Christian heritage, it's an important vigil to make to come back to St. Peters and to make a statement renewing and refreshing the Christian heritage. Offering the olive branch, we have in St. Peters the dove of peace carrying the olive branch. I'm offering the olive branch of biodiversity and the genetic heritage back to humanity in a sharing relationship in which the true Christian heritage in the destiny of history is fulfilled in establishing the path of the seed, the epoch of the tree of life which is prophesied to be the culmination of the Christian epoch.
Now I'm standing ere in St. Peters in a vigil with Jane partly to bring the feminine element back into what is a closeted male-dominated form of partnership in which Mary in particular has taken over the original role that Magdalen had in pronouncing the exultation as a partner and as a woman who was regarded as a woman of independence ans as the anointer of Jesus, the person who consecrates Jesus, the person who pronounces the exultation of renewal. And I;m saying this particularly on the feast of the immaculate conception because we have Mary as portrayed as the successor to Eve yo have the Old Testament epoch of the fall becoming the transition to Christainity and Jesus comes in to induce the epoch of forgiveness and to redeem humanity from original sin and later Mary who is the mother of Jesus and plays quite a minor role - she encourages him at Cana with the bread and the wine according to John but otherwise comes as my mother and brothers trying to intervene in the process of Jesus' mission and not necessarily in a constructive way is exulted to the heights and that the persona of Magdalen is eclipsed and this is a feminine persona and many women come to church in Catholicism to worship Mary and worship the feminine principle, but its a sequestered confined form of the feminine principle where we have the moralistic celibate woman who didn;t actually get impregnated by a man and nevertheless bears the son of god is a very carefully crafted form of the feminine.
We also have a hierarchical rule of orthodoxy in which the Pope is the agent of Jesus or the agent of God in the Christian sense and we know that in Luke all Christians are just stewards guarding the heritage until the time the time the Lord should come [the vatical bell tolls] until the maranatha, until the apocalypse, we are standing now at the second millennium dealing with the explosion of human knowledge and the birth of humanity in the genetic heritage as a cosmically conscious society. This is ithe time of the apocalypse.
I'm standing here at the end of a history which has many long episodes. Very shortly after the birth of Christiantiy we have Peter and the episode of Sapphira and Onias and we have a very communistic episode of Christianity and then we have the casting of the death curse of the holy ghost cast as a death wish on two people who didn't completely share all of their possessions. We now have a very different era of Christianity identified with the utopian mssion of capitalism and a six hundred year episode of Inquisition began - it goes right back to the very flesh and blood of Jesus in the crucifxion, succeeded by an episode of martyrdom in which Christians had a distorted ideal of human love in which is at the expense of shedding blood. And in a minute we'll give a communion of the wine and the bread, not as the flesh and blood or my flesh and blood the soma and the sangre but a new sacrament which is the sacrament of the tree of life. And its not just one but many.
We come back to reunify the feminine element with the masculine, to offer an olive branch to the church as a hierarchical order that it could open itself to reinclude, the nabi, the prophetess, the free spirit of peer criticism, of individual poetic inspiration, and visionary inspiration. And also the reunification of the free spirit of the gnostic tradition which was borne by Magdalen n a lot of gnostic accounts and was in various accounts trounced by Peter, and Peter stands now in the heritage of the Catholic church and as you walk in the doors of the church you find the keys to the golden gate of heaven are standing on the pavement as you walk n the doors, so the church is manifesting as the custodian of heaven. We come back to liberate and in the sense of Isaiah 61 to liberate all people in the awakening of our sense of cosmic becoming to the epoch of the tree of life.and to the regeneration not only of social altruism to care for all humanity, but to care for all life and the diversity of all life on this planet.
I'm a chaos theorist andJesus worked a great deal with controversy to the extent of being thrown out of the temple eventually killed and many times threatened with stoning now I;d like to do this healing in a gentle way it's not a time for violence and conflict, so I'm banking on the sense of discretion and kindness to all human traditions to do this very quietly and to use the millennium as a seed process rather than an extravaganza. I hope it is an extravaganza but its the seed of a new epoch so we start in the millennium - its the beginning, not the end.
So that's why we're here small and quiet as if we are just two tourists travelling here but there's a secret hidden in that which is the seed of something explosive.
Gaia-Isaiah liberation scripture on Scopus
Peak, Mount of Olives Millennium Eve.Renewing the desolations
of many generations in the planting of the divine.
We then made an entry to Jerusalem City of Peace, quissically from the air, to celebrate the millennial rites of passage of renewal. I hosted a twelve day seminar on the feminine cosmic face, biodiversity and the Tree of Life at the Academy of Jerusalem. We journeyed in the mountains and in the wilderness, between Galilee and the Dead Sea, through the West Bank, and among the ancient oaks and terebinths in the hills around Miriam's well. We anointed one another in the wastes of Bethany beside Lazarus' cave Jane to my head and my hair to her feet..
"and we shall renew the old wastes"
On Millennium Eve we performed a rite of renewal for the tree of life in bridal reunion. We were offered a grove next to Gethsemane by a member of the family who kept the keys to the Haram-i-Sheriff under the Jordanians, but we were driven out by a court injunction and police prohibition. We moved higher to a garden on Scopus peak on the Mount of Olives overlooking Moriah, the Dome, and the Old City. With a sacred circle of a hundred participants, we pronounced the acceptable year in liberation in the names of God and Gaia in an all night vigil to the sunrise.
In this celebration the collective mashiach was invoked in the spirit of peace.
"We are here together the collective mashiach and our vision here tonight will spread peace in our hearts and peace on the City of Peace below Yeru-shalom Jerusalem and bisrata shem in Jah Allah we'll be as a light and a source for peace in the whole world and in the whole universe" (Eliyahu MacLean)
The vigil ran from dusk till dawn with a circle of performances from fire dancing folk music, poetry and drumming, including the Hymn to the Epoch. We greeted the sunrise and released messages of peace over the ancient city of peace.
The Gates of Mercy or Compassion on the Eastern Wall are currently
filled with rubble to deter the return of the mashiach. We made
four journeys to the Gates, both outside and inside, to call them
open in reunion of all paths and all peoples.
"The quality of mercy is not strained"
First Calling Chris:We are coming to knock on the Mercy Gates. I am coming as a thief in the night We call on Islam to open its garden, to free the Asherah, to open the gates of mercy once and for all. For all people for all beliefs. For all the visions of humanity to weave together to openthe epoch of the tree of life.
Jane: "The quality of mercy is not strained it falleth as the gentle rain from heaven." The quality of mercy is not strained. It is not restrained. It's not in any way put through a sieve. It's whole and complete and falls with its essence entire.
"He shall sit in it to eat bread
before the Lord, he shall enter by the way of the porch of that
gate, and shall go out by the way of the same" (Ez 40)
Second Calling: This is a piece of bread. This is the bread of life if you like. Now I'm sitting at the portico. There is no exact portico here. There's a small iron wicket fence with some of the grave stones inside. I'm not intruding here. I'm inviting. I'm not transgressing. I am offering. The way of healing for Islam and for the whole world lies in reconciliation. In Ezekiel it says the prince will eat bread in the portico of the gate and come in and go out, pass through by the gate. This passing through is the release of humanity from bondage in liberation.
Third calling from inside the Mercy Gates
Third Calling: I'm sitting here in the garden that lies inside the old temple precincts. In the background are the gates of mercy. And you can see I'm surrounded by trees and in a minute I'll turn the camera to the garden. And again I call from inside the Gates of Mercy a third time that the gates be opened in the name of the unity of all paths and the reunion of all peoples.
When Jesus turned the tables in the Temple there were money changers because the high priests didn't want Roman coins in the holy of holies. Today all Muslims can pass freely into the Dome of the Rock as a religious shrine, but all others have to pay the tourist price. This is the same thing happening again.
On the Epiphany we performed a messianic
advent from the ascension site on the Mount of Olives,.pronouncing
the unveiling in reunion between bridegroom and bride in partnership
on the Olive Mount, sharing a circle of protection in the Vale
of Kidron, calling open the Gates of Mercy, and beating the drums
of renewal in the byways of the Old City consummated at the Wailing
Wall, accompained by a vibrant band of twelve, who inspired the
happening in each of their contributions in the name of Shekhinah:
Jane pronounced the Resurrection of Magdalene
at the Garden of Gethsemane:
I pronounced the return of the bridegroom
of in response to Jane's reciting of
Fourth calling: We called the Gates
of Mercy open together a fourth time in the name of compassion:
The Dome of the Rock is a beautiful representation
from Sufi masons who have represented the inside in the arboreal
forms of the Garden of Eden, a representation of Paradise.
The Temple precincts contain a grove of trees and olives so theres a sense in which the garden is within, but it is the Asherah imprisoned within the walls and the gates are not open in terms of spiritual freedom and freedom of worship.
The vigil continued to the Western (Wailing)
Wall to celebrate the sacred marriage in the Song of Songs: